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Community Rating: 3.025 / 5  (60 votes)
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I like this guy. He and guttersnipe deserve to be in the same deck.
Posted By: Dream_Twist (1/25/2013 4:22:20 AM)


This is a Plane where Giants and other huge creatures abound. The Goblins themselves are bludgeons!
Posted By: Diachronos (1/26/2013 9:46:38 PM)


"You got a lotta nerve showin' your face around here, Howser."
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/11/2013 9:59:34 AM)


The Krenko Combo is obvious and strong, but I actually like this guy simply for his straight RDW creature aggro synergy. Think Goblin Guides, Ash Zealots, etc. as well as tribal Goblins. I'll gladly take a 1 drop that can easily be a 2/1 or greater, turn after turn.
Posted By: Edward_Mass (2/21/2013 12:44:38 PM)


In limited you really gotta love 1/1 for 1 to play this guy, because that's what he is almost all of the time. I might run him in a very red-heavy aggressive deck, or if I just needed creatures to go with Sunhome Guildmage, but I'd still be unhappy about running him. Borderline unplayable.
Posted By: Wraique (3/6/2013 4:49:18 PM)


Goblin Warrens, Siege-Gang, Dragon Fodder, Mogg War-Marshal

I think this 1-drop was made for my gobbo deck..

Why is he a 2.5? He should be 3.5. He can attack for 3 on T2, up to 5 or so on T3 depending on how you continue the curve. I imagine something like:

T1 This guy
T2 Fodder (attack for 3)
T3 Bushwacker, 1-drop (attack for 12)
T4 Goblin Grenade for Game

It adds up quickly.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/8/2013 12:26:28 PM)


In current standard, this guy is better than Rakdos Cackler and Firedrinker Satyr for RDW's.
Posted By: Akingforaday399 (11/10/2013 8:16:18 PM)


This guy is underrated at 2.8 currently. It's a decent aggro choice all on its own and it has combo ability for early turns or later. Many one drops especially in red aggro are next to dead draws after a couple turns but this guy can win games with a krenko fling or similar pumping shenanigans. Two supported tribes, decent or good at his basic job and combo potential on a one drop... he seems pretty alright to me.
Posted By: Stuflames (12/15/2013 10:05:53 PM)


I actually would rather play this card over raging goblin in goblin tribal. Sure you lose the hasty first turn but following you'll have a strictly better goblin one drop that can easily recover lost damage the following turn. I shudder to think that someone somewhere is following this up t2 with Krenko's Command.
Posted By: Osprey_93 (12/23/2013 11:28:17 PM)


This card is currently at 2.5 stars (as of 16 Feb 2014)

In almost any creature-based RDW, this is a 2/1 for one. Sometimes 3/1.
At common.

It fits into Pauper goblins, standard RDW, etc.
A common has to be very efficient to be played in an eternal format such as Pauper. This is efficient.

It deserves a far better rating. Let's give it that rating.
Posted By: Sleepy_Jackdaw (2/16/2014 8:35:52 PM)


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