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If I were still playing standard, I'd pack more Pillar of Flames.
Posted By: MithosFall (6/22/2013 11:16:33 AM)


See when this card came out I thought whoa that is a pretty looking little deer man, then I thought why the hell does this thing give me a token when it dies seems overkill for deckstyle hating card? Then I thought alright, alright selesnya side everywhere a mythic bear is still just a bear right it can't control hate that bad can it? Then I saw it's price at 50 bucks and I was just annoyed by this damn thing. Now I see the top 8 standard deck lists I look at the prowess of blue in standard and I think to myself...... they just made this format the opposite of vintage didn't they.
Posted By: ToastRecon (6/22/2013 6:14:15 PM)


What people don't realize is that "profitably remove" generally includes mana costs too. If you're burning a 3-drop like Oblivion Ring to get rid of a 2 drop, the 2 drop player wins. Think of it like a Tarmogoyf that doesn't win you the game as fast but often takes control of the game immediately and makes it almost impossible for the other guy to get card and mana advantage by removing it. It even costs the same or less than just about anything that can counter it so that doesn't even come out ahead of it.
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (6/27/2013 2:46:27 PM)


This could have been Emmara Tandris.
Posted By: Arachnos (7/31/2013 4:25:08 PM)


Voice is the next Mind Sculptor post-rotation.

Calling it.

As for the design it's a value-hate bear; Wizards should've picked one, not both. That or make Voice a 3/3 for G/W G/W G/W with the exact same text, opening it up to Essence Scatter (Control player on the draw) and so on.

This card as is some unholy combination of Crusader of Oldric + Grand Abolisher + Doomed Traveler with a CMC of 2 and a pricetag of $40+ that I expect to see rise post-rotation.
Posted By: Nearjoy (8/26/2013 8:45:51 PM)


Selesnya has the best cards, without argument. This card will be effective way beyond this standard format, and the art is probably the best in the set. 5/5
Posted By: GlintKawk42 (9/7/2013 7:51:52 AM)


Curves nicely into Gift of Immortality.

If only Scavenging Ooze wasn't a thing.
Posted By: roguepariah (9/9/2013 11:04:04 AM)


I think Voice of Resurgence is going to find itself even more useful in Standard now that Theros is out, by punishing players activating heroic triggers to pump up their attackers' phase.

What a strong card, it'll probably see a lot of play next to Fleecemane Lion. Scary>

Honestly I traded mine away recently, it's just not my kind of mechanic and it's too much of a hoser against control for absolutely no effort other than playing the card.
Posted By: Kontrah (9/29/2013 8:18:34 PM)


This card single handedly turns instants into sorceries, removal spells into 1-for-2s, and opponents into dead.
Astounding card. Playable in every format (maybe not Vintage), will change how Magic is played for years to come.
Posted By: Pick15 (9/30/2013 2:37:04 PM)


I was so sure they were going to reprint spell snare and had a little hope for my Control deck... that hope died along with my trust in wizards. I don't know to give this a 5/5 for being good, or 1/5 for being geist of saint traft broken.
Posted By: Umbric (10/3/2013 12:08:33 PM)


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