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Community Rating: 3.775 / 5  (71 votes)
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"Night falls, and now my hunt begins. It shall not end till my quarry is slain. I shall take no prisoners, heed no laws, give no mercy. I shall wear no armour and win no trophies. I shall live and die in the jungle. I am the heart of the wild. I am the fire in its eyes. I am the the hunter in the darkness, the howl in its throat, the bite that takes the life of men. I pledge my fang and claw to the Gruul Clans, for this night and all nights to come.”
Posted By: RyugenS (1/13/2014 12:11:02 AM)


I have a question about this card. I think the intention of the card is that while a creature is attacking, it gets +1/+0, but that it would lose that bonus when the creature is no longer attacking. However, since the wording lacks the crucial "until end of turn" phrase, it could be construed that the +1/+0 bonus never ends and is accumulative (meaning that the first time a creature attacks, it gets +1/+0; the second time it attacks it gets +2/+0 (+1 from the previous turn, +1 from this turn); the third time it attacks it gets +3/+0; etc). So, which is correct? I expected there to be a ruling on the Oracle text, but there doesn't appear to be one. Is the bonus only applied short-term during the attack, or does the bonus stack turn after turn?
Posted By: Khardiss (1/13/2014 7:32:59 AM)


Like Mode said: why this is green? If it were "Each creature you control can't be blocked by more than one creature." (like Familiar Ground), alongside with the +1/+0, I would understood, but like this no! It seems a nice card to have been printed in red, it was exactly what I was searching for...!

4/5 if it were mono-red
3/5 for this version!
Posted By: leomistico (2/23/2014 9:39:23 AM)



I gather you understand what this card does, but just to clarify since you kind of asked this card will basically check the status of your creatures. If the status is "Attacking" then a creature you own will be benefitted by this card's ability, otherwise it will not.

It would have had a slightly different effect if it had an "Until End of Turn" - type clause instead, but the wording would have been somewhat less ambiguous. It should be fairly intuitive what this card does and how it works ... unless MTGs ultra-specific wording has gotten the person reading paranoid, which would be understandable.
Posted By: Stuflames (4/22/2014 8:36:34 PM)


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