I'm old Greeeeeeeeeeeg.
Posted By:
(5/25/2013 4:39:38 PM)
The Orzhov are a religion, bank, and crime syndicate mixed into one. They use their "religion" to cover up for their guild agendas.
Aside from that, this is a great sac engine that already sees play in W/B/G Aristocrats. With Lingering Souls, he can win you the game by turn 6.
Posted By:
(5/31/2013 6:06:54 AM)
This guy is a draft All-star, you end up winning ALL the combat.
Posted By:
(6/3/2013 1:21:15 AM)
From MaRo's Tumblr:
"Why can Maw of Obzedat effectively eat itself?"
~"Poor hunger control."
Posted By:
(6/9/2013 10:27:41 AM)
The proper place for this card is in B/W tokens. swing with a bunch of tokens; sac all the ones they block and maw of the obzedat; game. works great with lingering souls and intangible virtue for a likely turn five win.
Posted By:
(6/15/2013 8:13:36 PM)
I didn't notice this; that artwork is awesome/brutal!
-Sac outlet
-Use with Carrion, it works from both angles
Can sack himself for the effect too; so do it. Pump your board full of tokens with Sengir Autocrat, lingering souls, and timely reinforcements, drop him, eat 3 creatures and himself, then attack with a 4-5 5/5s.
Posted By:
(7/29/2013 10:04:44 AM)
Elvis from Godhand!
Posted By:
(9/15/2013 5:15:15 PM)
This is particularly funny with things that put tokens in play when they die.
Posted By:
(9/15/2013 5:40:22 PM)
Looks like something out of the Berserk manga
Posted By:
(3/5/2014 6:40:32 AM)