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I promised myself I'd make a gate deck.

And dammit I'm gonna make me a gate deck.
Posted By: BigPimpin (4/23/2013 11:22:42 PM)


The real power of this card is that it tutors for lands as a land with no card disadvantage to yourself. Seems good in commander.
Posted By: ChttrBox88 (4/23/2013 5:40:12 PM)


Crackling perimeter + this = one hell of an FNM round
Posted By: mdakw576 (4/25/2013 5:50:33 AM)


They got the rules text wrong. It's supposed to read "If you control 10 or more gates with different names, you win at life."
Posted By: DlCK (4/27/2013 11:41:58 PM)


like most older players, all i see is a gate version of Thawing Glaciers. As a win condition, this moves far too slowly, unless you are using the aforementioned Primeval Titan. Plus, in terms of flavor, this offers nothing, especially without flavour text. What do you get by reaching the end of the maze??? A unification of the guilds? Hardly; they're basically killing each other to find the center. I'm going to say, "so dumb," unless anyone can explain otherwise, because the art offers none.
Posted By: raptorman333 (4/24/2013 8:02:59 AM)


And then, years later, they print some sort of wacky Conspiracy effect that can impose land types. You just wait.
Posted By: Nucleon (4/23/2013 5:48:09 PM)


I think you could probably make a decent deck in modern with this and Primeval Titan's and such.

Weirdly, this isn't legendary, so you COULD have up to 4 on the field. That being said, you can only play one per turn, it enters the battlefield tapped, and it costs 3 for the ability. (4 if you consider the mana this could've tapped for).

I'm not saying you can't play this with Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Amulet of Vigor. I'm just saying you could do better if you play with another deck.
Posted By: Ferlord (4/23/2013 7:02:46 PM)


Everyone reads the win clause and yells "Sucks". I see the thinly veiled Thawing Glaciers parallel and just smile back at them. Cards are more than just their splashiest aspect.
Posted By: Doom_Lich (4/23/2013 3:54:05 PM)


Incredibly flavorful way to win. Not very practical though; Door to Nothingness would probably be easier.
Posted By: martianshark (4/23/2013 2:04:53 PM)


I was afraid of the day when Wizards ventures the step to print a land card that's Mythic Rare.
When Maze's End got revealed, i realized the day i was afraid of had yet to come.

I'm not looking forward to it, and i respect Wizards take on their first mythic land.
But it seems my fear is unjustified because this day might not dawn anytime at all:

If anything, Wizards did take one cautious step backwards.
Don't get me wrong, i much rather have it that way. But this step might just have been a bit too big.

A win condition on a land has to be done very carefully and is certainly mythic-worthy.
But this one is handled a bit over the top.
Even with the right cards, it's still very slow, takes a ton of mana and many turns to pull this one off.
But i can see why they went with that - it's a win entirely based on your lands, and most decks don't have a response to that - except for winning first.
The risk of creating a card that ensures a win almost without any meddling from your opponents w... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (5/5/2013 6:39:12 AM)


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