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When I first saw this card, I was incredibly unimpressed. Now the Johnny in me wants to make a five color land-based deck based on the suggestions here with this as the win con. Well played, Wizards.

There's still no forgiving Emmara Tandris though.
Posted By: tankthebest (7/19/2013 2:21:07 PM)


I think this card is currently being underrated by most players in Standard. The Turbo Fog variant is pretty strong and very hard for most decks to deal with as nobody is preparing sideboard for this. Pithing Needle is just about the only thing that can shut it down. Rakdos Return is also a threat. Both can be dealt with by siding in 4 Negates.
Posted By: Technetium (12/2/2013 2:19:22 PM)


This is the new win-condition of my (very) casual One for One 1-CMC deck. While the deck started as a joke, the fact that Amulet of Vigor, Sakura-Tribe Scout, and Expedition Map all cost 1-CMC anyway, and its not like the deck really had a win condition previously. (I lost a bet.)
Posted By: Gandlodder (1/17/2014 4:48:48 PM)


I have the fat pack poster of the maze's end art, and I've always wondered where the Dimir statue is? Every other guild is there, besides Dimir. Am I just being blind or is it a story thing?
Posted By: mickthemage (2/13/2014 9:08:09 PM)


Pithing Needle and this thing is useless
Posted By: gunkookshlinger (3/1/2014 11:08:06 AM)


Thanks to this card I pulled 3 mythics in one pack. Which is about all I can say about the card.
Posted By: Lazrbeams (3/2/2014 2:31:13 PM)


I've been playing this for standard at my lgs, and while it doesn't win often, when it does its so satisfying. You can play anything because you have to run 5 colors. I started out with a 5-color turbofog/control build, but branched out into Hold the Gates with lots of creatures like Prophet of Kruphix, Horizon Chimera and even Guardian of the Gateless. At one point I ran an Enchantment deck built around Sphere of Safety and Heliod. No matter what build you're running, Gatecreeper Vine and Saruli Gatekeepers are staples, and Prophet/Courser of Kruphix as well as Kiora, the Crashing Wave and Urban Evolution.

@mickthemage I might be wrong, but I think there's no Dimir statue because House Dimir was a secret. In the original Ravnica block, the existence of a 10th guild was thought to be a myth. This ... (see all)
Posted By: FiremaneAvenger (3/20/2014 4:34:37 AM)


Stupid Inefficient Combo Time!

Have the ten guildgates in your deck.
Turn 1: Island, Training Grounds
Turn 2: Forest, Sakura-Tribe Scout, Amulet of Vigor
Turn 3: Land, Master of Etherium
Turn 4: Land, Clock of Omens/March of the Machines
Turn 5: Land, The other card from last turn.
Turn 6: Land, Mycosynth Lattice
Turn 7: Land, Gilded Lotus
Turn 8: This, Any permanent.

The Lattice and March turn this into a creature, to make its search cheaper with training grounds, and the Master keeps it from dying due to having 0 toughness. So you activate its ability, search a gate, tap scout to put it into play, and search another gate. Then use clock to tap the two gates you got to untap scout, tap scout to put this back in play and search a third gate. Then you can tap the last gate you searched, along with... (see all)
Posted By: Gameguy602 (5/20/2014 1:53:00 AM)


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