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SORCERY. It's a sorcery. That's an important detail, you know.
Posted By: ThePinkBaron (4/23/2013 11:14:21 PM)


it MUST to be a sorcery because you know, as an instant would be too much close to incinerate for 5 and that would be just insane
Posted By: don_miguel (4/24/2013 4:26:55 AM)


This belongs in fatty decks with Rancor.
Posted By: Havrekjex (4/24/2013 10:44:17 AM)


It's kinda of hard to understand the hate for Monstrous Growth and not this, though in the current formate it can be very broken with double strike and such. +5/+5 for two is rather good, even if it isn't instant.
Posted By: TheWaddleDeeKing (4/27/2013 2:16:52 PM)


Pulled two of these at the prerelease. I got stuck with Dimir/Golgari, so I was pretty worried about playing BUG at first. I would draw one of these guys every single game, which is probably why I went up going 3-1. Every time I used them it was either on Golgari Decoy for board clear or on an evasive creature. On my last game of the day I played two of them on Metropolis Sprite and swang for lethal.
Posted By: Suljin (4/28/2013 7:01:42 AM)


This card just made my legacy infect deck more common of a turn 2 ;)
Posted By: Sorrowlie (4/29/2013 9:59:40 AM)


This card is great!

I love the fact that it's a Sorcery and not an instant because it automatically makes things more interesting instead of the same old - oh, boom my creature gets +4/+4( or +3/+3) right at the last second.

When you play this card, your opponent actually has the opportunity to re-evaluate his/her situation. There's something unique in moments like that because it's not instantly beefing up your creature and killing whoever blocked it. Your opponent has time to let the feeling of unease settle in while they contemplate things.
Posted By: Dragonshoredreamz (5/6/2013 9:51:34 AM)


A pretty aggressive pump. Instant speed is good and all, but sometimes raw stats are more important.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/15/2013 5:41:03 PM)


throw him on your Master Biomancer before any 1 drop creature. I like using Slumbering Dragon for a cheap 10/10 flying.

Instant speed would've been nice, but titanic growth is already legit
Posted By: Rusty172002 (5/31/2013 12:01:43 PM)


Use this on an unblockable creature like Latch Seeker and HO DAMN you got a pretty good 8 damage goin' down.
Posted By: Swagwurm (6/19/2013 7:56:52 AM)


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