Why didn't they just reprint Zealous Persecution? It always felt really Orzhov-spirited.
Posted By:
(4/25/2013 9:26:45 PM)
While it doesn't necessarily deserve a rating that low (right now ~2.1), you can see the community's frustration about it.
While most other split cards have a huge impact when fused, this one is just like:
"Haha, did you just seriously pay 

to get something another spell could have given you for 
If if you decide to only use one side instead, it will still be like:
"Haha, did you just seriously pay 2 or 3 mana to get half the effect of something another spell could have given you for the same amount or even less mana?"
Yes, it's not a terrible card.
Yes, casting just either half can be easier.
Yes, the left half is stricly better than Warrior's Honor, the right half strictly better than Cover in Fear.
Still, there are a couple of cards that are strictly better than Profit. And that sounds wrong.
And in fact it is, since i actually have to ... (see all)
Posted By:
(5/5/2013 11:04:16 PM)
It's a lot friendlier than Zealous Persecution for draft.
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 2:59:17 PM)
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 4:02:22 AM)
@Steric: Also strictly better than Glorious Charge, currently rated 1.855 .
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 5:43:11 AM)
I think the way this is supposed to be good is not for fuse.
There is one main advantage I can see- it's two cards in one. You basically draw two instants. That's two choices.
It's basically a Glorious Charge and a strictly better Cower in Fear in one card, with the option of casting both together if wanted.
But yes, for both effects, definitely go Zealous Persecution.
But since this is split (though horrendously overcosted), if for some reason, you wanted to get extra damage in but make sure your opponents' creatures don't die (dying effects or something), then here you are.
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 8:02:21 PM)
Elesh Norn took her rudimentary economics courses very seriously.
Posted By:
(6/1/2013 12:28:49 PM)
Obviously I can't prove it, but given the art (the guy on the left doesn't exactly look powered up)and the general anemia these effects have, I could swear this was originally intended as "Tap target creature" and "Destroy target tapped creature." What do you guys think?
Posted By:
(12/11/2013 7:21:45 AM)
Strictly better than Cower in Fear, which is currently rated at 2.959.
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 5:02:10 PM)
Horribly overcosted Zealous Persecution.
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 4:06:21 PM)