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Community Rating: 3.811 / 5  (111 votes)
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@anyone who is wondering why some random human is indestructible (flavor wise):

First let me start off by saying that this is probably my favorite legend which is why I did all of this research and bothered to type this all out. The reason he is indestructible is not the awesomeness of his beard/goatee, though I do like that explanation. Actually Tajic is the head Boros guildmage who is also in charge of The Warmind Initiative (http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/feature/224#boros scroll down to the section about the theaters of war) which is a collaboration between the Boros and the Izzet in charge of producing/developing new weapons, armor, elementals, (Warmind Infantry, Spark Trooper) etc. In addition it would probably be safe to assume that the lead Boros guildmage would be able to make some kind of premanent Boros Charm.
Posted By: Jayquaz (5/11/2013 8:29:08 PM)


Tajic is a great card for standard and would be a very nice pull in draft. Indestructible makes him a really good blocker and his possible battalion ability can switch him into being an incredible attacker. He is a solid drop with 4 converted mana cost. I do wish he had vigilance, that away he could do peck damage or at least make your opponent keep a blocker. A better replacement for Manor Gargoyle. 4/5.
Posted By: pandawolf56 (4/27/2013 7:11:46 PM)


I can already see the child of Bladehold and Tajic spawning soldiers giving itself +7/+7 and being in indestructible douche.
Known as Hero of the Legion.
Posted By: QuantumWonka (5/31/2013 8:12:13 PM)


I can't see him running the maze very well if he's wearing enough plate armor to make him indestructible.
Posted By: RunedServitor (4/30/2013 6:59:54 AM)


Until Innistrad rotates, this is too outclassed by Hellrider and Falkenrath Aristocrat. Even post-rotation, Ghor-Clan Rampager is better.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (5/30/2013 2:09:49 AM)


Tajic, Blade of the Legion is a great card that has an interesting back story. Tajic is the Boros Legion's most highly ranked Guildmage. He is in charge of the War mind initiative, a collaboration between the Izzet and the Boros. They create electrified walls and checkpoints, steam powered suits for soldiers, powerful armor for Elementals, animated stone soldiers, elemental soldiers (spark troopers), powerful siege machines, weapons, armor, and battlefield traps. Before Tajic was chosen to run the Maze, he was called Advisor Tajic, First Guildmage of the Legion. His indestructibility most likely comes from Aurelia. The Boros smelting wards have magical powers that could allow them to do this. It would not likely be the Izzet because they would probably give their own soldiers this powerful armor.
Now onto gameplay. Tajic is a versatile card for both blocking and attacking. It can attack for 7 as well block your opponents large creatures without dying. You can use Gift of Orzhova to ea... (see all)
Posted By: hamletface (6/3/2013 1:13:45 PM)


Almost Immedatily after this guy was spoiled, I began to build an EDH deck for him, Hope foils come cheep
4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (4/23/2013 3:18:36 PM)


I fight with the full strength of the Legion!!
7 power. I think we need to have a word with whoever's training your Legion..
Posted By: a7wingedsheep (4/24/2013 9:39:37 PM)


Why are most of the legends in this set so boring?
Why is this set full of very slightly tweaked old cards?
Why is it full of crappy cycles?

Has wotc completly run out of ideas, or did they choose to produce a crappy set on purpose, to make people "ooh" and "ahh" at the next good one?
Posted By: majinara (4/24/2013 12:41:38 AM)


Posted By: Sel3l3e (4/23/2013 3:08:38 PM)


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