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Community Rating: 4.559 / 5  (59 votes)
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Trinisphere. Ouch!
Posted By: DarkFlame12 (10/29/2013 8:05:42 AM)


nice against rat decks
Posted By: pudginamancer (2/14/2014 7:44:24 AM)


just a small question regarding chalice and spellstutter sprite if your opponent played chalice for 1 which needs 2 mana will you need atleast 1 faerie in play + spellstutter (2 faeries) to counter the chalice or would 1 spellstutter is enough?? is the checking of chalice's converted mana cost is 0 or is it based on how many mana was payed for it ex 2,4,6 etc?? or it's counters??
Posted By: kulrom (2/26/2014 11:46:12 PM)


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