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Community Rating: 4.521 / 5  (73 votes)
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Fine legend, but horrible commander.
Posted By: MattLynn (1/16/2014 12:13:05 AM)


Awww. Lovable Squee. Too bad he weren't no Planeswalker. He'd be a fun one.
Posted By: car2n (3/3/2014 7:17:51 PM)


@wrath_of_squee Actually, because when your commander is sent to the graveyard or exiled zone, you can choose whether to put them back in the command zone, he isn't useless as a commander. His use as one basically amounts to being able to have him for sac engines at any time you want instead of having to draw him though.
Posted By: Gameguy602 (5/16/2014 3:33:02 AM)


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