Thraben Doomsayer, Ravenous Demon, Cartel Aristocrat. Have fun :)
Posted By:
(7/18/2013 10:12:47 AM)
@MrShinyObject: Mikaeus only gives Undying to non-Human creatures, this guy only triggers off Humans. They don't work together at all. Unless you mean that these two together will "reanimate" every creature type available, I suppose. But it seems easier to just run only Humans or non-Humans.
As for the card itself, Xenograft and Blasting Station are both available in Modern. So that's something hilarious, I guess.
Posted By:
(7/18/2013 1:41:39 PM)
This guy provides a lot of raw power. The only problem is that black doesn't have as many good humans as white or green, so there might be some difficulty splashing this guy into a deck. Still, he has an amazing ability and a decent body for only three mana.
Posted By:
(7/18/2013 8:33:00 PM)
Thing about a Doomed Traveler. He just wanted to get some fresh air in Innistrad. Then he somehow ended up helping you to fight another planeswalker and died during this fight. His spirit, loyal as he was, continues to fight for you.
But then, his dead remains crawl from the dirt and start wanking to your army. And the traveler sees it.
His own body, now used as a vessel, is impossible for him to kill (because he only has 1\1 and must fight on the same side.)
You, Mr. Player, are a dick.
Posted By:
(8/7/2013 8:04:19 PM)
Skeleton art+ skull flavourtext= zombie tokens...
Still, I love this card, I love it when black creatures manipulate death in some way. I especially like the of this guy. Any average John necromancer can reanimate a human into a zombie, but this guy can reanimate HIMSELF! That takes skills, you have to cast the incantation as you die, and it must hit you after you've died, that requires timing!
Posted By:
(8/7/2013 8:46:34 PM)
Much more fun than Thragtusks and Voices.
Posted By:
(8/10/2013 7:16:17 AM)
While I'm not seriously considering a Shadowborn Apostle deck, I am entertaining the idea.
I've been pondering what could keep it from just being blown out by board wipes and spot removal.
This guy does a damn good job.
Best case scenario on the draw:
T1: Apostle
T2: Apostle x2
T3: Xathrid Necromancer
T4: Apostle x3
At their EOT, if they haven't board wiped, just use the last mana to get your demon and six 2/2 Zombies.
Obviously, while this is a god hand with god draws, the point is that your opponent isn't all upside from you overextending all these Apostles, like it normally would.
Throw in Immortal Servitude, maybe a 1-or-2-of Door of Destinies for an alt-win, and then your handful of demons, and you've got yourself a jankie fun deck.
Posted By:
(8/26/2013 2:43:08 PM)
Why not use Xathrid Necromancer and Rotlung Reanimator? Any human cleric you control that bites it will produce two corpses! Mystify your friends!
Posted By:
(9/19/2013 5:16:29 PM)
Thing about this guy, I'd say you really gotta run white I think to be able to get the most out of him. Otherwise he's going to just be a self-replacing bear for 1 extra mana. If he comboed with Assemble The Legion then he would be bonkers.
Posted By:
(9/22/2013 10:21:45 PM)
T1 Experiment One
T2 Burning Tree-Emissary + Gore-House Chainwalker
T3 this
This is a bigger problem for control decks than Voice of Resurgence, since they can't Supreme Verdict at all (unlike scenarios involving a Voice).
T4 Exava!
Edit: ... and Anger of the Gods just got printed. So much for that plan. lol
Posted By:
(9/23/2013 8:09:09 PM)