Halfway between Metallic Sliver and Venser's Sliver.
Posted By:
(7/9/2013 7:09:17 PM)
Well, you can hardly claim it's false advertising. It literally is a Sliver Construct.
Posted By:
(7/11/2013 1:35:40 PM)
This card suffers most from the rules change on the new Slivers.
Am I a nay-sayer of the new mechanic? No.
I don't like that they changed an iconic tribe like this, but I do enjoy the cards anyway.
Point being, this could have been a nice "soft counter" to Sliver decks like the last two artifact Slivers,
They give no boosts to your opponent's Sliver deck, and instead abuse the boosts your opponent worked hard to put onto the field.
Instead, this is just a 3-drop that takes a decent slot in a Sliver deck, in case you have mana issues on T3.
Posted By:
(7/10/2013 2:10:22 PM)
Not really worth it. Metallic Sliver was ok because it was a super cheap vessel to carry sliver abilities. But this one ain't worth the tree mana. If you fear that your deck is not fixing it's mana base reliably enough to play all slivers, and you thus consider playing this guy, skip this one, and add some more mana fixing instead.
Posted By:
(7/11/2013 1:01:57 AM)
Exactly what it says on the tin
Posted By:
(7/14/2013 8:09:29 PM)
If I had to pick something about this card I liked, I'd have to say it would be the flavor text. The flavor text at least explains that Slivers have become intelligent enough to spot a phony and destroy it, rather than adopt it and nurture it as their own.
Its cards like this and Hive Stirrings that make me accept the flavor change
Posted By:
(7/9/2013 7:43:00 PM)
The flavor text is the best part of this card.
Posted By:
(7/9/2013 8:07:56 PM)
Would have been nice if M14's Slivers didn't have the "you control" clause-then you could benefit off them. But no, this is just a vanilla sliver where one with an ability should go. At leasts you have something expendable.
Posted By:
(7/9/2013 4:45:43 PM)
Adaptive Automaton has the same cost, same body, and benefits your Slivers more than this. It's also a construct, so it'll have the same types as this when it comes into play (provided you run it with Slivers, of course).
Posted By:
(8/6/2013 3:49:13 PM)
Sliver Silver Sliver Sliver
Posted By:
(7/11/2013 9:43:17 AM)