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Community Rating: 2.356 / 5  (59 votes)
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perfect example of power seep. not only is this worse than control magic, but it got moved from uncommon to rare. people need to stop complaining about power creep and start noticing the REAL trend.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/9/2013 11:13:08 PM)


It's probably not going to see much if any of standard play...maybe in a control deck to take a Reckoner or a Voice, but in limited it's great, powerful even. Taking a 3/3 flier from your opponent is no joke, not to mention if you have to you can take away a big creature just to get damage through, but it also combos with wring flesh to steal AND keep an opponent's 6 power creature. I take your 6 power guy for 5? sign me up.
Posted By: bigboybeard (7/15/2013 6:07:00 PM)


soooo... you don't want me to buy boosters? Obviously a troll card, this was fine at uncommon, but printing this at rare must be because someone at wizards enjoys watching ppl complain, only explaination. Every set has at least one, but this really bad, as it takes the rare slot in a booster, I think this is going too far, and can discourage players from buying m14 boosters.
Posted By: Sironos (7/23/2013 5:46:49 AM)


One of those cards that gets low votes from both those who love control magic (because they think it shouldn't have the restrictions) and those who hate it (because it sucks having cards taken away from your side of the battlefield).

But I think it's a great balance.
Posted By: Beyond.Malachi (8/10/2013 6:38:01 AM)


one of the reasons why i wont open a pack....
Posted By: chainsmoker (7/11/2013 12:37:58 AM)


Ugh, I've never liked this card, and WHY is it rare? Mind Control is supposed to be uncommon, and this card can't even take their bomb.
Posted By: auriscope (7/9/2013 7:48:48 PM)


Agreed. Especially since this is a reprint. People will already have copies and pulling one is equivalent to pulling 0 rares/mythics in a booster pack.


The cards cool, but shifting it UP to rare?

Posted By: SAUS3 (7/23/2013 12:02:00 PM)


The fact that for 1 more mana you can get Mind Control makes this utterly useless.
Posted By: Sonserf369 (7/9/2013 8:19:17 PM)


I don't think this deserves such a low rating. I mean, I have tones of copies of it, so I can't complain about it. People might finally start to notice just how good this thing actually is.
Posted By: Yozuk (7/11/2013 6:39:34 AM)


Card advantage and removal? Where do I sign up? The power restriction makes this card balanced and give your opponent a chance to pump the creature up enough.
Posted By: Purplerooster (7/11/2013 11:13:54 AM)


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