Woah, straight out of 4th edition. Did anyone see that coming? This isn't too bad, even though white usually isn't known for huge mana, (outside of the occasional plains fetcher) But combat tricks are always nice. This might have a home in an auras deck with Mesa Enchantress and her ilk.
Posted By:
(7/9/2013 5:05:50 PM)
3 stars, and almost breaking 4! If you're a NON-CREATURE getting a 3.5 10 years later, you are Looking Fine B|
Even though the creatures get more easily Power Creeped into obsoleteness, they also have 'Faceness', 'Icon' going for them, like Shivan Dragon, Lord of the Pit, Leviathan, and Serra Angel do. Even weird sets like Arabian Nights whose most notable cards are some broken uncommon lands....we still remember Juzam Djinn very well, don't we?
It takes quite a bit to come down through the ages if you're a non-creature spell, because you usually either got banned, or 8th Edition said you were too good for reprinting. And of those that remain, a lot of them are....well, kind of weak. Really I think Wrath of God is the only Rare that will always belong in Magic and always feel Rare, no matter how many names they give it...
Blessing itself is weird but cool,... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/15/2013 12:56:51 AM)
Sure has been a while. It's good to see old cards get new life every once in a while, even though this one sadly won't see much play outside casual or Limited.
Posted By:
(7/9/2013 7:07:20 PM)
A rather unusual ability for white nowadays...
Posted By:
(7/10/2013 3:51:37 PM)
No immediate use (unless late game), and has the classic 2 for 1 drawback. Playable in limited, but 1.5/5 from me.
Posted By:
(7/10/2013 5:05:39 AM)
they have been powercreeping enchantments for years. Then they print this, which was terrible 15 years ago. don't play this in any format ever.
Posted By:
(8/13/2013 1:26:41 PM)
Might mono white be right? I say no tonight.
Posted By:
(7/10/2013 10:02:23 PM)
That's so shady shade
Posted By:
(7/12/2013 11:54:47 AM)
Gives heavy white decks some staying power in Limited, goes well with Suntail Hawk
Posted By:
(7/28/2013 11:24:37 AM)
White tends not to have the mana it takes to make this brutal efficient, but it's still a good little card none-the-less; especially because white does reliably *get* it's mana (tithe, land tax, etc..) so if the game goes long, you'll be able to turn a weenie into something huge; at least big enough to pummel your opponent.
People complain about auras, but honestly the time in the game that this comes down (probably later so you can give a lot to it) people don't necessarily have removal on hand. Plus! You're white; you have protection spells silly! Now feed your little soldier a bunch of donuts and clobber someone.
Posted By:
(1/9/2014 5:44:36 PM)