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I find it funny how {W} ends up with some of the best land fetching in the game with Tithe and Land Tax
Posted By: tcollins (4/30/2012 12:02:21 PM)


***... I just traded a Tibalt for a Textless Mana Tithe thinking it was this... goddamnit!
Posted By: Renegade_Punk (5/6/2012 1:01:57 PM)


If you are playing a one color deck, you might have 20 plains. This finds two, or one-tenth, of them. Which is exactly the definition of "Tithe".
Posted By: kiseki (6/21/2012 10:02:32 PM)


So good. Combined with sunforger and mistveil plains, you can fetch out the combo with just sunforger.

With those other 2 cards, you can grab any card playable with sunforger, and then tuck it for reuse later. It's a really, really strong engine in boros EDH decks that don't have many ways to draw cards.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/11/2013 1:05:40 PM)


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