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Community Rating: 3.619 / 5  (194 votes)
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I don't care if this card becomes a casual only card. I want it. Tezzeret is an amazing planeswalker and I really like both versions of him. But he doesn't quite fit the blue/black decks I personally like to build. Ashiok on the other hand! This thing is fun, and its abilities work so well with each other.
Posted By: Yozuk (9/17/2013 7:45:49 PM)


It took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure out that he was in fact a GUY.
Posted By: Syrtees (12/2/2013 8:40:53 AM)


A really interesting walker. Hard to say where it will end up. Three CMC walkers are usually quite powerful (Jace Beleren, Liliana of the Veil, Domri Rade, Ajani, Caller of the Pride...) but we all know what a mess the 2 CMC walker turned out to be!

Anyway, I'd love one in foil. I have way too few walkers in foil, and the artwork of this one is fantastic. Like a creature out of a Guillermo del Toro movie!

By the way, the German version of this card seems to confirm that Ashiok is MALE!
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (9/17/2013 6:38:34 PM)


Jace, Memory Adept's best friend? Not sure what his/her role is yet, but seems like it'll be pretty decent in control decks. Since the ultimate is rather underwhelming, it'd be hilarious to get an Ashen Rider with the -X ability. You'd have to protect him/her until s/he gets that many counters, though...
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (9/18/2013 4:26:49 AM)


As some have said, this one is pretty hard to evaluate.

Now as a casual player I definitely won't talk about constructed, but he does seem strong in casual play. Other than facing aggro decks, he seems to do quite some work quite fast.
You drop him on turn 3, immediately start removing cards and hit the -X as early as next turn (if there's something interesting), even though I'd personally do a few more +2s just to make him bigger and have a higher probabilty of getting a nice creature.

Not sure about the power level, but I can say that it's looking fairly strong.
Posted By: Dabok (9/19/2013 12:50:44 AM)


Even if you just keep using his first ability he's good for mill for how early you can drop him.
Posted By: Cygore (9/19/2013 1:35:27 PM)


3 CMC is amazing for this kind of power.
+2: She can potentially remove your opponent's biggest threat from the game, if it is on the top of their deck. Or she could work to manascrew an opponent, or more likely, just take away some of their tools.
-X: Her true power lies here. Assuming your opponent cannot deal with her after you first use her +2, she can potentially bring in a cmc 5 creature (and there are not many creatures that cost six or more mana in this set, so she will hit a lot of viable targets).
-10: This ability is good, but hard to evaluate. In the late game, it will help to clear out your opponents' hands and limit their options. In two player games, depending on the deck your opponent is running, there might not be much to exile from their hand. This ability is highly situational in its success.

Her first two abilities work perfectly together, and she is an early to mid game threat, with staying power.
Plus, flavorwise, she is awesome.
Posted By: d-101 (9/17/2013 5:53:22 PM)


Few plainswalkers can be played fast and are relevant threats so early. Add great art and you have a card people will be trading to get for a long time.
Posted By: BuffJittePLZ (9/17/2013 5:02:12 PM)


Doesnt effect me as I run forbidden crypt in every deck I own. Ever.
Posted By: SarcasmElemental (9/19/2013 3:47:30 PM)


good against controll and midrange
Posted By: Sel3l3e (9/17/2013 2:40:10 PM)


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