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Community Rating: 3.541 / 5  (61 votes)
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This actually kills Serra Angel in combat, at the exact same CC.
Posted By: Petertracy (10/26/2013 3:21:01 AM)


I'm curious why they made an Archon with bestow - after all Meletis was once ruled by cruel Archon dictators that were then overthrown - did the Archons repent and now bestow their powers of Nyx to mortals in need? Where the people of Meletis wrong? Were those Archons different?

Curiouser and curiouser. . .
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (12/24/2013 8:36:45 PM)


Rating is right where it should be, 3.5. It is a strictly better Serra Angel. First strike is better than vigilance and the ability to bestow is gravy.
Posted By: Silence9 (4/5/2014 12:13:21 AM)


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