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Wow. Talk about POWER....this guy sure has it.

I also like the "risky side" of this. I mean he's without a shadow of a doubt very strong, since he can potentially add a lot of 2/1 tokens into play as he comes (excluding himself). But the thing is, his tokens gets killed without him, so it actually makes this card quite balanced.

But yes, you construct your deck around devotion to blue with Thassa, God of the Sea and this guy, and I can definitely a sort of blue aggro doing quite well.
Posted By: Dabok (9/19/2013 1:07:04 AM)


-Belongs to two great tribes.
-Buffs the tokens they summon.
-ETB effect that is abusable with things like cloudshift, turn to mist, etc.
-Doesn't die to lightning bolt, or any other targeted red spell.
-Not legendary, so you can clone it and/or run four copies.

Pretty solid card for a splashable 4 CMC I'd say.
Posted By: Xycolian (10/3/2013 6:27:19 AM)


Before THeros - Dublin, 5$, now after when it was a playset in all of the top 3 decklists, 15$. I feel bad for you guys who sold him at 5 :P
Posted By: NicknameAL (10/14/2013 5:27:21 AM)


This guy single handidly won the Pro Tour.
Posted By: delta474 (10/14/2013 2:06:12 PM)


Look into the Zameck Guildmage first ability ( GreenBlue : This turn, each creature you control enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.) Not only gives you a huge power bump, but removes a lot of the fragility of the tokens. Not bad for a two card combo for 3GreenBlueBlue.

And at the same point in the curve is also Master Biomancer for a less intensive boost on turn five.

On turn six with six devotion (reasonable) that's seven 3/2's on the table for a total of 21 power that don't die to lord removal.
Posted By: Majikthise (10/17/2013 7:59:41 AM)


Devotion-related ETB triggers are really powerful. This guy is useful early in the game and can get even better later. Flicker effects work great with those Devotion triggers as well.

Say you have a playset of him in a Merfolk deck, you can't go much wrong with including a singleton Ghostly Flicker.
Those three mana might not even save him (or another copy of it) when cast in response to removal,
but can also give you half a dozen elemental tokens for one flickered Master of Waves in the process.
Posted By: Mode (10/30/2013 3:27:08 PM)


More like Master of Games, amirite?
Posted By: pedrodyl (9/19/2013 5:23:05 PM)


On its own it doesn't seem that strong, but looks like an enraged Kit Fisto, so cool.
Posted By: Eigma (9/17/2013 3:12:12 PM)


The latest addition to the moderately loved line of "WHAT UUUUUUUUUUUUUP?!" mythics.
Posted By: SpaceMagic (9/17/2013 6:50:04 PM)


Not strong on it's own but defiantly good with other things, Spear Of Heliod comes to mind or another copy of him out. Mythics don't have to be $20 and over the top powerful like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite or Geist of Saint Traft or Voice of Resurgence. I'll give it 4/5, good flavor, cool art, protection from red is relevant, but still Merfolk tribal isn't a thing really, should be a 2/2 and still be good yet not over the top.
Posted By: Umbric (9/18/2013 9:03:41 AM)


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