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People think he is risky. I don't. Say if he gets Doom Bladed and you lose your army of seven 2/1s. What did you pay for it? Four mana. Suppose you played another creature instead, like Polukranos. It gets Doom Bladed. In both cases you spend a single card and four mana, they spend a card and two mana. So you're not worse off playing with Master of Waves (i.e. no risk).

In cases where they don't have the Doom Blade (presumably because they're RDW or Gruul/Naya/Selesnya aggro), you're putting 6 or 8 or even 14+ points of power for four mana. This card has major upside when things work in your favor, and still trades 1-for-1 when they don't.
Posted By: sweetgab (9/19/2013 10:35:48 PM)


Want to keep the tokens after he dies? Splash green and play Master Biomancer.
Posted By: Fiddlestickderp (9/21/2013 7:36:37 AM)


Play blue/green. Master Biomancer and Progenitor Mimic. The Progenitor continues to make token copies of this guy, each popping out more tokens, and then making them all go up. Throw in a few populate cards, and you can have all these elemental tokens jump up in power VERY quickly.
Posted By: Garruk_girl (9/21/2013 2:16:09 PM)


I'm definitely going to be testing this in Legacy Fish as a two of. Yes, you can get your Aether Vial to four and he's much better then Merfolk Sovereign, Coralhelm Commander, or any other fringe fish that might make it in that deck. With all the Lords and Master of the Pearl Tridents out on the field, this guy will make a lot of elemental tokens, and will pump your Mutavaults when they're turned into creatures. To me, it seems like he might just be worth the playtest.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (9/22/2013 8:17:30 PM)


Fun interaction with Cultural Exchange
Posted By: MrFluffyThing (9/23/2013 6:23:41 AM)


Works well with Godhead of Awe. With a Godhead out, the tokens will be 2/2s that don't die even after Master of Raves here dies.
Posted By: Kelptic183 (10/7/2013 10:37:20 PM)


Won a match against this guy with a mono-red deck last night. : ) Sided-in Homing Lightning worked pretty well, even though that could've gone much worse for me. (Young Pyromancer's tokens are also named "Elemental".) But, I think my opponent just fitted him into a blue-white control deck without building it around the Master. He didn't have a lot of high-devotion permanents like Nightveil Specter, and he didn't use Purphoros, God of the Forge. I think if I see Purphoros on the field with islands and blue devotion, I'm gonna start to sweat. I'm going to splash a color in my red deck specifically to deal with Master of Waves.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (10/12/2013 10:11:48 AM)


And the Bant populate-lovers rejoiced.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (10/14/2013 4:09:03 PM)


Looks like Massare Wurm counters this card pretty well
Posted By: andoroth (10/17/2013 12:54:33 PM)


This like the merfolk piledriver. It has a lot of potential.
Posted By: brandon9795 (10/22/2013 3:36:07 PM)


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