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Community Rating: 4.578 / 5  (173 votes)
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Probably one of the only playable answers to Chimney Imp and Storm Crow; you have to stop those cards BEFORE they hit the table, and Duress can't discard creature cards.
Of course it's valuable.
Posted By: Heretical_Tarp (12/31/2013 7:03:39 PM)


Why rate this card at all? It's playable in every format where people play non land cards (which rather precludes Momir Basic, now that I think about it) and is a staple black card in many of those formats. It was at one point one of the most expensive cards in the game and for good reason.
I gotta say, I don't really like the art on this version... What's happening, Is he turning into the Sandman or exploding or what, and what does that have to do with stealing memories?

@Ferlord, Your conclusion seems feasible to say the least and it certainly wouldn't be the most insane thing somebody has ever done to fix prices/demand (According to a publication I subscribed to that deals in magic finance, somebody spent $20,000 to essentially corner the market on Birthing pod in the wake of pro tour Born of the Gods, raising the price from a low of $5-7 to $15-20.) I think it is equally likely that playrs rate cards based on speculation, but as we have seen in the past, player perception is frequ... (see all)
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (5/6/2014 2:46:39 PM)


Reid Duke wrote an article about Thoughtseize. Probably the best thing StarCityGames made lately.

Posted By: TexasDice (12/25/2013 9:55:40 AM)



While that's an interesting theory, my theory is that after getting beat down by a card enough, some players feel that the card is broken and rate it down.
Posted By: LynterriaHatake (2/7/2014 2:19:21 PM)


Why not Ostracize? Ostracism was a procedure under the Athenian democracy (...) used as a way of neutralizing someone thought to be a threat to the state (wiki)
Posted By: TenMatys (9/18/2013 3:46:04 AM)


5/5 for being a Duress with more options and *gasp* a drawback. More cards should have drawbacks these days. (Or should just have an appropriate mana cost in the first place. I'm looking at you Loxodon Smiter.)
Posted By: Phelplan (2/4/2014 8:25:59 AM)


I was going to skip buying anything from this block completely.

Now I see a reason not to.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (12/20/2013 5:05:58 PM)


Thoughtseize and Surgical Extraction. Thanks.
Posted By: ThisDude (2/7/2014 7:30:01 PM)


that is the face of owner of Thoughtseize, when the prize goes down
Posted By: Sel3l3e (9/17/2013 3:14:42 PM)


An interesting reprint. Typically the wizards avoid reprinting things like this. Well, it'll be nice if I can crack a few, they could replace my Duresses in my Vamp deck.
Posted By: ShatterPalm (9/17/2013 5:17:31 PM)


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