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Community Rating: 4.578 / 5  (173 votes)
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@TenMatys - because 2 things:

1. Ostracize didn't get Timeshifted, so no Modern.
2. Creatures aren't everything. A lot of times the best way to foil their plan is to toss out their Resurrection or Seething Song or Crucible of Worlds. Pre-emptive countering in black for one mana with bonus hand-peeking? Yes please and thank you.
Posted By: Hepatizon (10/7/2013 8:33:20 PM)


Hilariously, Theros Thoughtseize is rated higher than Theros Swamp, but lower than Theros Forest.
Posted By: Atali (9/20/2013 11:25:15 PM)



I guess, from a literal standpoint, our "hands" become pretty transparent once this card is played.

Also, the tip of his head is turning to fog because our plans, just for the next few turns, are pretty transparent as well. :3
Posted By: Kaizeischi (9/18/2013 1:27:33 AM)


I remember getting thoughtseized with a playset of Swansongs in hand. The look on the other guys face was priceless xD
Posted By: Kadaver666 (2/4/2014 10:36:04 PM)


The old art was better. At least in my opinion.
Posted By: Yozuk (9/20/2013 8:09:07 AM)


The terror from Lorwyn returns... and with it, MBC decks fueled by devotion.
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (9/18/2013 10:49:36 AM)



Based on the gold mask in the image and the similarity in effect, it looks like he is becoming something similar to the Returned (as the Returned are half of a dead person's identity but without the capacity to have or remember any memories).

As for the card, I'm really not looking too forward to playing against such a powerful hand manipulator in the coming months. Oh well.
Posted By: DritzD27 (9/19/2013 6:14:45 AM)


Well kids, welcome to new Standard where everyone lives in perpetual fear of this card. Let me illustrate why Thoughtseize is unbelievably powerful and unbelievably unfun.

Let's imagine this scenario:
Player 1 keeps a fairly loose hand that relies on Sylvan Caryatid to produce enough mana to survive.

Player 2 turn 1 Thoughtseizes Player 1.

Player 1 loses the game as a result.

This will happen a lot from here on. It might be the mono red crucial two drop or the blue Nightveil Specter that produces enough devotion for Thassa but Thoughtseize will find you and it will destroy everything you love, even if you play it yourself. It's almost as bad as Hymn to Tourach in that respect.

Brutal, brutal card that will see play in every black deck in Standard without fail. I won't like it but I'll use it.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (12/9/2013 4:38:16 AM)


This is definitely an advanced players card. I watched a new player play this and made the worst calls ever.....

Also...I pulled a FOIL Korean one of these in my foreign booster box IN THE SAME PACK along with the misprint Ashiok (In the Korean first print run, Ashioks first ability was +1 instead of +2)

I know it might sound like I am B.S'ing....but I truly did.
Posted By: hedronMatrix (12/25/2013 10:01:34 PM)


Why do his hands turn to fog after we took something from his brain?

4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (9/17/2013 9:18:50 PM)


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