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Cool. Another answer for Loxodon Smiter...wait
Posted By: BloodCrank (9/22/2013 6:03:41 PM)


Best card in Theros. There's a reason why Jund just dominated a recent big Modern event, and the deck owes its success in no small part to Thoughtseize (and its partner in crime, Inquisition of Kozilek). For one mana and 2 life, solves any problem preemptively, whether it's a creature, a planeswalker or a counterspell. All those times you Turn // Burn a Voice of Resurgence for five mana or Warleader's Helix a Domri Rade after they've already drawn a creature with his +1... if you went Swamp, Thoughtseize instead, problem was already solved on turn 1.
Posted By: sweetgab (9/23/2013 2:02:24 AM)


On pure in-game effectiveness alone I would rate this card as 5 star. I like the art too. But, even though I got one of these at the pre-release and therefore have no reason to feel bitter, I sort of hate this card. It's just too good to be any fun.
Posted By: kindofabigdeal (9/24/2013 8:55:11 AM)


Thoughtseize will be a major player in Standard just like it is in all of the other formats, but I don't think it will warp it nearly as much as people think it will. Decks will need to run some form of lifegain to make up for the life lost from Thoughtseize. Two damage doesn't seem like much, but if you play it turn one using a shockland you are already down four life and your opponent is just down one card.

I think it will do the best in a deck that runs green for Deathrite Shaman, Scavenging Ooze, and Bow of Nylea, or white for cards like Obzedat, Blood Baron, and any extort cards.
Posted By: Hollowing (9/28/2013 4:50:50 AM)


Guy at my shop was saying "I don't see why everyone likes this card so much. I don't think it's that good." I said "Play with it, then you will understand." Hell, Duress is one if my favorite cards, and this is better. One Black to remove target problem from your game, and see your opponent's plans. Plus once you understand the color pie you will know Black can't really deal with not only artifacts and enchantments, but it doesn't counter instants and sorceries either. This does it all. Or just kill a creature which isn't recommended though given Black has the best creature removal already. 5/5 all day every day. I want at least 8.
Posted By: Silence9 (9/28/2013 10:56:50 PM)


I like that it says player not opponent. So you could even use it against yourself if you needed to get a specific card into your GY at the expense of showing your hand + 2 life points. Maybe with Rescue from the Underworld and some hideously expensive or off-colour creature.
Posted By: TowerDefender (9/29/2013 3:31:53 AM)


first theros fnm i reveal my hand-3 land and 4 smiters
Posted By: Bob111634 (10/27/2013 4:29:38 PM)


Brought the other one's value down by about $35-40; which is perfect for someone who want's the other's art. I imagine the value will eventually go back up; but either way, glad to see a legacy staple 1-drop not cost $70+.

Confidant, then this!? I wonder if Bitterblossum (though it's much cheaper anyway) will ever get that treatment :D
Posted By: blurrymadness (10/28/2013 12:45:17 PM)


Brought back an old classic. Yay :D
Posted By: rZ1987 (10/29/2013 8:30:44 PM)


This reprint, coupled with a complete lack of sufficient hate cards for black in any color besides black, makes black the best color in Standard.
Posted By: DoorDie (5/2/2014 8:59:27 AM)


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