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Community Rating: 4.578 / 5  (173 votes)
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I see a pattern with this card. -So much so that I developed a habit for peeking at my opponent's hand. Sin Collector/Cloudshift will follow up as a contribution to this pattern.

This card is just too damn inspiring, I feel like a prophet in the early game. Any creatures that make it to the battlefield get banished Banisher Priest.

Posted By: Vursor (5/13/2014 5:54:54 AM)


This was pretty much the most common rare I was getting from boosters I was opening. Then I saw how much they were worth and thought 'thank god I'm getting these from boosters'.
Posted By: Ajones99 (5/14/2014 4:29:00 AM)


I'm feeling bold, I think I'll post a comment. Aside from the obvious, this makes the player reveal their hand. Nice little distinction I didn't notice right away.
Posted By: Goatllama (5/15/2014 2:26:55 PM)


Utility staples shouldnt be rare. They should be common cards.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/16/2014 9:57:23 PM)


Thoughtseize is certainly a great card, and it's a good block to get it back (to let black have some way to deal with enchantments). The reprint made it from a ridiculous $60+ to a much more affordable $15-20 (which will probably drop to like $10-15 after rotation, then slowly climb from there).

However, what I don't like is how it's just so far and ahead one of the best cards in standard right now, and I'd go so far to say that it IS the best card in standard (mutavault is really only good because of thoughtseize turning games into a grind and attacking with land 2/2s is a thing, mutavault was not particularly good in INN-RTR standard with all the thragtusks, resto angels, and huntmasters around). Sphinx's revelation, elspeth, and so on are also strong, but they are all these big mana cards that do splashy things at the end of the game. But thoughtseize is pretty 1-of-a-kind (duress doesn't cut it).

It's not that I think Thoughtseize is broken, but the power level in Theros overall ... (see all)
Posted By: mdakw576 (5/25/2014 6:02:57 AM)


The card so powerful, Wizards makes you pay 2 life to use it. If your deck combos, this card takes that away. If you only have 1 legit play in the first six turns, this card takes that away. If you have an answer for a card I need to protect, this card takes that away.

Discard has always been one of the most iconic mechanics black has going for it and this card is the pinnacle of discard in my opinion. The ability to see the opponent's hand can be underrated at times and the versatility of being able to grab the creatures Duress can not make this card one of my all time favorite discard cards.

5/5 for versatility and strength without being overpowered
Posted By: Soul__Power (5/27/2014 9:03:32 PM)


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