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Important fun fact: Because you announce spells you cast before you choose alternate costs (like Bestow), you can actually cast bestow cards as non-creature auras with flash using Prophet. It's unintuitive, but it works!

As for the card itself, I love it! It's a tad too vulnerable in Standard, but I'll be putting it into every possible EDH and Limited deck.
Posted By: yesnomu (9/30/2013 8:05:43 AM)


run with upwelling and seedborn muse and it'll trigger twice and you can use mind over matter to untap your lands with your creatures. then hit a genesis wave or something equally as ridiculous.

@Logistican: Nice try, but detain doesn't stop triggered abilities.

Posted By: raptorman333 (10/10/2013 7:52:28 AM)


Yes, because stapling Yeva, Nature's Herald onto Seedborn Muse for the same CMC seems like a good idea.

In all seriousness though, this card is amazing. Might be a powerhouse in Constructed Controll, and will undoubtedly see play in most UGx Commander decks. 4.5/5.
Posted By: Tayren (10/14/2013 6:25:08 AM)


@Cyberium--what's the reference?
Posted By: MonstrousMouse (10/16/2013 10:48:05 AM)


This thing has been dominating my local EDH. Really annoying in decks with lots of counter spells.
Posted By: BobbySinclair (10/19/2013 10:59:42 PM)


You never have to tap out again! Five mana for anything in burn range is hard to play, but if you save a couple of counters, play it when they are tapped you, you can defend it on their turn.
Posted By: yesennes (10/28/2013 2:40:01 PM)


This thing is goddamned amazing. Expect any green OR blue deck that can cheat creatures out to play at least 3 copies.
Posted By: MizziumSculptor444 (11/2/2013 2:21:56 PM)


Couldn't ask for any more from the singleton Simic rare in Theros, since we likely won't see another until the third set of the block.

I love how this card can be used in a variety of ways, whether it be in a mid/control deck where it allows you to play your threats while staying untapped for counters and kill spells, or in a creature-heavy deck where it allows for a ridiculously fast board presence and lets you do nasty things like flashing in Kalonian Hydra during their end step.

I am currently running a Simic ramp deck that combines the ramp elements from the Devotion to Green decks with the draw power of Garruk, Caller of Beasts and Prime Speaker Zegana, and the Prophet really ties it all together in a way that is nothing short of insane.
Posted By: ChrisHansonBiomancin (11/6/2013 10:41:26 PM)


Same thing appears in Gyre Sage's green magic.
Posted By: Solstice-273.15 (12/14/2013 6:00:18 PM)


Perfect fit with the inspired mechanic or any activated abilities. I would love to play her with Kiora's Follower to double the effect. GU has never been this fun.
Posted By: Ike38 (2/5/2014 10:37:55 PM)


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