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Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/19/2013 8:04:38 PM)


A zombie with life gain? Could be useful.
Posted By: Majinkajisan (9/19/2013 10:16:11 PM)


Theros mono black seems really powerful, especially since, of the current group of gods, Erebos, God of the Dead's activated ability is card avantage rather than having something to do with creatures.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel was a bomb at pre-release! My playgroup of 7 (including me) had a massive free for all game using our pre-release decks.

When I cast this zombie merchant he netted me 35 life since my devotion to black was 7. I brought everyone to 8 or 10 and I went up to 50!

Many turns later, with 3 players left in the game, one of my opponents cast his copy of this gray dealer in merchandise. He gained 21 life with his own (coincidental) devotion to black being 7.

Great swings in life total and all of us were playing 2 color decks, I can only imagine how powerful this will be in mono-black.
Posted By: Pantheon (9/21/2013 12:09:54 PM)


Another good reason to be hated in multiplayer.....
Posted By: lordchimera (9/23/2013 4:43:34 AM)


I like this. I can see a mono-black deck using it: If you run Geralf's Messenger and Phyrexian Obliterator and get this guy out when both are out, each opponent is losing 9 life when he hits the table. Then...Corrupt.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (9/23/2013 7:38:49 AM)


@EternalUnreality yeah I managed that in a draft once... and I had an Insatiable Harpy on the board as well...
Posted By: Ruaranicus (10/12/2013 3:42:50 PM)


That seems pretty amazing, especially for a common! Does his own 2 black mana count into the devotion when you play him?
Posted By: Arachnos (10/18/2013 12:39:34 PM)


@Arachnos - his own black mana does count towards his trigger. That ETB trigger goes on the stack once he's on the battlefield.
Posted By: somegeek (10/20/2013 8:46:45 AM)


Even using something as simple as a Whip of Erebos and/or a Sanguine Bond can make this card amusing in all formats. Or just raid them back from the grave somehow, reanimate, Golgari tricks, flash summon...

This may as well be a black Fireball that only needs 5 land and nets you lots of life. It's just a damn shame for Standard that Exquisite Blood is gone or this would literally be the only creature you needed 4 copies of.
Posted By: SWFTWLF (10/21/2013 12:40:50 AM)


I've been enjoying this card with a few 3-drops (like nightveil specter) and the beloved 4-drop Desecration Demon. In a UB control deck he is the finisher out of nowhere. One of the best commons of the last 5 years (at least)
Posted By: masterSDF (10/26/2013 3:17:50 PM)


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