"why am I shooting lightning through my own arm oh gods I am not very good at this"
- Keranos
Posted By:
(12/11/2013 8:09:41 AM)
You think Searing Spear / Lightning Strike isn't strong enough? Even Volcanic Hammer saw plenty of play. Three (unconditional) damage for two mana is the perfect place.
You see, we just scaled back from a ridiculous power creep for a few years. First there was Lightning Bolt, then then came Goblin Guide, Steppe Lynx and Searing Blaze, and to match that kind of speed, we had Path to Exile, Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf, and you simply can't keep up with stuff like these without the game becoming degenerate. Return to Ravnica was the first block where Standard started to feel a bit more balanced. Rakdos Cackler is strong but Voice of Resurgence and Boros Reckoner stop it, which in turn are overpower... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/22/2013 10:10:48 PM)
I feel like the sweet spot is somewhere between Pillar of Flame and this. Exiling hits that nice spiky level, without randomly hosing a cool ability like regeneration in the way Incinerate does.
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 11:50:55 PM)
Keranos, member of the Gods of Theros... can't quite figure out how to Lightning Bolt effectively.
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 2:21:11 PM)
Searing Spear apparently couldn't make the cut. But at least this explains why we didn't see it in M14.
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 7:53:10 PM)
I'm lost on how people can not like this card.
The power of a burn spell is damn near irrelevant, Shock, Lightning Strike and Searing Spear are all perfectly priced in my opinion, hell, I even dig Geistfire, Spark Jolt and Gut-Shot. The only grief I've ever come across in burn spells is finding enough DIFFERENT 1-2 drop instants that can hit either the player or creature in the current standard.
Posted By:
(9/23/2013 1:56:53 PM)
I dunno about this.
Wizards got the perfect balance with dissolve, but I still feel like this card and Searing Spear are kind of underwhelming as the go-to burn spell. I feel that it needs an extra effect.
I know Lightning Bolt is too powerful and Incinerate makes regeneration much less potent, so I would like something like this...
Two Mana Burn Spell
Instant 1R
Two Mana Burn Spell does 3 damage to target creature or player. If that creature entered the battlefield this turn, Two Mana Burn Spell does an additional 1 damage to that creature.
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 11:38:55 AM)
Strictly more flavourful than Searing Spear.
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 3:09:26 PM)
Wait... S... T... R... that's not how you spell bolt!
Posted By:
(9/18/2013 1:31:22 PM)
So... Everyone is claiming that this thing is terrible when Lightning Bolt would made red far too powerful in this set.
Now, what everyone seems to be ignoring is the potential of the flavor text here. It takes about Keranos, the god of the storm, but have we seen him yet? Nope. What if he's waiting in the remaining 2 sets with his Legendary Artifact card...that is Lightning Bolt on a stick? Pay a red, tap it, deal 3 damage. Infinite uses.
Posted By:
(9/22/2013 6:00:07 PM)