Just ridiculous. Stormbreath? Thundermaw? What is this I don't even.
Posted By:
(9/19/2013 5:22:39 PM)
They should make a Duel Decks: Stormbreath Dragon vs Baneslayer Angel. They're true generals of their army, considering they can't even touch each other :)
Posted By:
(9/19/2013 8:12:01 PM)
I liked its old name, typhon, better since it fit the Greek theme better
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 7:02:37 PM)
There seem to be some misconceptions about this card. For one, it has the protection ability because it was once part of a cycle. Perhaps white was chosen over blue because of Baneslayer Angel, but that was not the intention of the ability in the first place. The art looks more snakish because it cones from Typhon of Greek myth, but the card was always templates as a dragon and Magic dragons have legs; there was no need to ask the artist to add legs because the artist knew what was expected of the art de***ion of a serpentine dragon. Typhon was the playtest name because that is what the card represents, but the card is not the same as Typhon and could not keep that name given that the set is Greek Myth inspired not Greek Myth Magic Cards and the fact thst typhon sounds legendary and this is not.
That said, awesome card. I kind of wish it had less because I enjoy the last ability the most but it's good enough to be a chase mythic and thus out of my price range f... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 7:34:38 PM)
Mythic at 5cmc? After Thundermaw I think I feel a bit betrayed.
Posted By:
(9/22/2013 5:57:41 PM)
Brutal card! I pulled two of these in my pack at the prerelease and came 4th with R/U and the Kraken. Destroys white decks and ones where all the removal is white. Divine Verd... oh.
Posted By:
(9/24/2013 12:39:54 PM)
Awesome card, will see constructed play.
Posted By:
(9/24/2013 9:51:56 PM)
Instant replacement for Thundermaw in Big Red. Run three; you won't regret it.
Posted By:
(9/25/2013 3:13:27 PM)
There are several reasons as to why this is significantly better than Hypersonic dragon, all of them relating to the fact that Stormbreath is a control hoser.
First off, a 4/4 Flyer with Haste means the moment it comes down it'll likely do a good 4 damage to your opponent or remove a flyer. Hypersonic was really only good for that reason, as there are hardly any good sorcery cards to play at instant speed (the best most relevant one is Supreme Verdict).
Secondly, the Monstrosity cost is not hard to get to at all. You wait until turn 6 to play this guy, and make him monstrous the next turn, forcing your opponent to either play out their hand the turn before, remove him quickly (he's a 7/7, so it's much harder to remove now), or take tons of damage. Control decks love their Sphinx's Revelations, so Strombreath punishes them, potentially for 14 damage, for playing them (7 cards, 7 in the air).
Finally, pro-white means he can't be bounced with Azorius charm, destroyed with Supre... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/25/2013 11:07:12 PM)
Red's new finisher. It is a brutal card to play against.
Posted By:
(9/28/2013 4:53:35 AM)