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As Andrew Wilson mentioned in a Gathering Magic article, this can be a fun way to get cheap monstrous tricks with Artisan of Forms. When the Artisan changes forms, she will remain monstrous if she was already.

1. Copy Nemesis of Mortals with a (non-monstrous) Artisan of Forms, then activate the Artisan's Monstrosity 5 ability. (Have seven creatures in your graveyard.)
2. In response, target Artisan with any spell, then have it become a copy of Shipbreaker Kraken.
3. Later, make the Artisan a copy of Colossus of Akros.

You activated Monstrosity for GreenGreen and gave the creature 5 counters.
When Monstrosity resolved, the creature was a Shipbreaker Kraken, so four creatures are tapped. They don't untap when it becomes something else, as long as it doesn't leave the battlefield.
Your Artisan is currently an indestructible, trampling 15/15 Colossus that is able to attack.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (12/9/2013 1:51:25 AM)


My extremely simplistic reasoning is that this card is as "Powerful" as it looks/you want it to be, and that the cost isn't "too high", it's "Too {G} ".

As a {U}{B}, {B}{G} or {U}{G} creature, this would have been much more deadly, Standard playable even with Innistrad rotating because Shock Lands Are Good, Commander STAPLE, and MAYBE Vintage Playable.

With these Colors, this becomes pretty much only Commander/Casual playable, non-Staple...and that's actually exactly where I think this type of Design belongs. :)

(only because Dredge is a thing and all in Vintage...more because Dread Return and such are broken than because it's actually *better* than other choices. There are a LOT of cards that are Vintage "playable" in a Dredge deck that simply don't get played because people don't feel like it and need to keep their lists to 60-ish cards and they already picked the cards they want. Same thing with Dream Halls and Omniscie... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/26/2013 8:36:54 AM)


For EDH, it's fun in a Patron of the Orochi deck. Cast it for 2, but use its 6 CMC for Snake Offering.
Posted By: AnArmedBear (2/7/2014 6:10:50 AM)



Of course, it's obviously not at that level, but the similarities for the cost.......
Posted By: Goatllama (3/22/2014 8:53:37 AM)


After this card becomes Monstrous, does it stay that way for the rest of the game/until it's destroyed? Or does it only last for that round?
Posted By: BlessedPsycho (4/27/2014 2:00:36 PM)


Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (9/17/2013 4:57:33 PM)


It's basically Ghoultree, but uncommon and with level... Nice.
Posted By: pedrodyl (9/19/2013 4:42:42 PM)


This guy is powerful in a golgari deck. Imagine dreging, then putting out this beast, and monsterifying it same turn.

Posted By: Pigfish99 (9/21/2013 5:50:39 PM)


After playing this in a Limited green deck I was rather surprised that, not only did the game last long enough for me to monstrify it, but that there were enough creatures in my graveyard to make it worth my while.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (9/21/2013 7:11:45 PM)


This card is so good. I actually milled myself at the pre-release to get it for cheaper. Literally had it on turn 3...
Posted By: MrSunso (9/21/2013 7:44:18 PM)


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