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Community Rating: 2.442 / 5  (52 votes)
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Colorless 2/1 for 2 isn't bad, deserves at least a 3/5. East to cast and can bypass color-protection.
Posted By: Cyberium (1/11/2014 3:25:22 PM)


Here's hoping we get to see Karametra's Sable in Journey Into Nyx
Posted By: Petertracy (2/7/2014 1:03:08 AM)


Exactly! I honestly could not have said it any better myself, nor could I agree more. Amen.

And even the marginally less specific Badger is its own creature type. I really don't get what Wizards is thinking. Quite pointless really, and doesn't contribute to already existing creature type synergy, e.g. Beast. Not to mention, Sables don't even exist in Greece, which Theros is clearly based on...

Please, don't encourage them.

Some of you may think "Oh, Sable as a new creature type? It's just a novelty, NBD." But the whole situation is actually pretty stupid, all things considered. Especially since I (and most likely many others) have been wanting Dinosaurs for what seems like an eternity now...
Dinosaurs = cool, Sables = not
Sell your product, Wizards.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (2/12/2014 4:07:31 PM)


Adaptive Automaton - "Ah, a new army to lead, I wonder whos tribe I shall help today?"

Bronze Sable - *Squeak*!

Adaptive Automaton - "Oh you have got to be kidding me."
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/14/2014 9:09:27 PM)


He's a fine creature for two mana and artifact. He's never exciting, but he's always welcome to fill up the slot. I like him in theros draft. There are plenty of cards he can trade for, and he wears gorgon's head like a professional.

Not every card is going to be a shiny dragon or angel. This guy is the very definition of the filler creatures that you don't want, but that you need to have.
Posted By: Shiizu (5/7/2014 6:02:24 AM)


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