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Target Plague Sliver. See if your opponents take the bait to try and kill you off by piling them on you, then...
Okay, I hadn't thought that far yet. Gimme a minute.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (11/12/2013 2:09:13 PM)


The interesting thing about this creature is if you don't copy a card like biovisionary; Any opponent who copied it would only be bettering you as much as they were bettering themselves. I think that is the interesting thing. Most of the time I wouldn't make a copy, but if I did it wouldn't really be hurting me, it would be hurting the other opponents not including me and the person who plays it. The same goes for a person who does it after me.

There is one time I think it would be good to copy this creature. That is if you have the upper hand after the opponent gets the token. If you can still manage to overtake them then it might be worth it. Gang up on the other opponents eliminating the potential threat, then beat the person who originally played the spell. Of course there is risk in this, because you may not be right about being able to beat them.
Posted By: GordonFreechmen (12/17/2013 2:15:21 AM)


Best used with some hilarious way of turning the opposing copies against them. Insurrection comes to mind.
Posted By: LordRandomness (3/7/2014 4:02:49 AM)


No-one ever takes my bait. Usually i Copy my Archangel or a True-Name Nemesis. Something people would usually want.
Posted By: GrimgrinsMaster (4/9/2014 7:28:44 AM)


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