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Community Rating: 3.973 / 5  (148 votes)
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Just an insane powered card Spear of heliod is great to play along side. I'm seeing this in a Blue White deck with Ephara, God of the Polis and Bident of Thassa.
Posted By: amberbock (2/3/2014 8:41:39 PM)


I think the more likely explaination, Ferlord, is that people get angry with wizards for producing such overpowered cards and purposely rate them low. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do so, but people are petty.
Posted By: Domak (2/4/2014 9:41:24 AM)


'Cause there ain't no party like Oreskos party, 'cause Oreskos party don't stop!
Posted By: Biceps_inc (2/4/2014 6:45:51 PM)


Nants ingonyama bagithi baba! (The Lion King is here) :)
Posted By: Cal87 (2/4/2014 8:00:10 PM)


At least it dies to abrupt decay at the very least. Basically, a strong card, but not unanswerable.
Posted By: spiney (2/4/2014 8:08:58 PM)


I think that this is just fine. Pushed - definitely. Powerful - obviously. It could even be a little broken, but that's fine. No protection or evasion (other than the kitty he brings along - which is a bit like a really weak trample...) means that this is a fine aggro card but wont mutilate standard.
Posted By: MCcreator (2/4/2014 11:43:47 PM)


OP. Poor design.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (2/5/2014 4:35:17 PM)


the fact that you can't cheat him into play with Preeminent Captain bums me out a little, sure he produces tokens that tag along for an extra point of damage but for the price .. not worth it. I see him dropping to about $8 in a month or two. overall I'm kind of dissapointed with the set as a whole.
Posted By: yearoldbeer (2/7/2014 4:31:20 PM)


So boss. Won me 3rd place at FNM BOTG Draft :) going into my G/W Heroic Deck :) 4/5 *'s
Posted By: Fleecemanemaster (2/8/2014 2:46:02 AM)


I dont know how he will do in standard, I don't play. He will be great for a classic white weenies deck. He's fairly strong for the price, he generates tokens. You CAN cheat him in with preeminent captain. I don't know why that other guy said you couldn't. He is a soldier creature. Being a cat or legendary doesn't invalidated that. Honestly what isn't there to like about this guy. He is a 3/4 for 3, with vigilance, that generates tokens. He might as well be a 4/4. Better if you can keep the tokens alive. And he even has on of the most supported creature types. Really a 5/5 for me. You may not think he deserves that high a rating. That is why this site uses an average score.
Posted By: GordonFreechmen (2/8/2014 9:37:44 AM)


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