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I got this card in a pack yesterday in a draft. it just whooped everyone and everything.
Posted By: Jake4U (2/10/2014 5:48:55 PM)


Its like a modern version of Jedit Ojanen of Efrava

Both are cats, one warrior, one soldier.
Both have a primary ability that produces tokens when they attack or block.
Both are obviously leaders of territory.

Mana Cost 1WW vs 3GGG. Green can ramp into it, but white will probably hard cast Brimaz first.
Power/Toughness Jedit and his tokens have more power and toughness than Brimaz and his tokens.

I would love to see an EDH match of them fighting against, it’s a shame there isn’t a GW legendary cat.
Posted By: Leuitikos (2/10/2014 10:14:37 PM)


I dub thee King Lionidas
Posted By: MightySqueeth (2/12/2014 1:51:42 AM)


Awesome card to play with; he has so many possibilities. I want to try him with Aurelia, the Warleader, my favorite, but I imagine a white weenie token devotion deck would be fun to do.

However, my only experience with him so far has been pulling him in a draft last night, and as soon as it was known I had one, it drew immediate hate. I think I maybe had no more than two turns with him on average, and most folks had some answer for it immediately. In fact, he drew more hate than my Heliod, God of the Sun(who didn't last long either). However, even with all that, he was still quite fun to use as a deterrent.
Posted By: Mewhunter67 (2/12/2014 6:33:27 AM)


I pulled 3 of these from a fat pack. I then checked the price and (if you pardeon the pun) had kittens!

I'm torn between using them or selling them off while the price is high.
Posted By: Xeraphale (2/19/2014 3:07:44 AM)


Brimaz, or ‘Brim’, as he’s known to his royal mates. Or, as the Golgari call him, ‘Dies to Abrupt Decay, more like’.
Posted By: Kodanshi (2/19/2014 11:43:48 AM)


Bromaz + Sigil Captain + Doubling Season.

Turn 3: Kitty King. Maybe get yourself a 1/1 on your opponent's turns

Turn 4: Sigil Captain. You may now attack and get your 3/3 kitty, and block for more if you want, although they probably won't attack now.

Turn 5: Doubling Season. Now you get 2 cats per attack, and each one gets twice the +1/+1 counters. Swing in with your new 5/5 pets.
Posted By: Radiocativek_tty (2/19/2014 10:19:06 PM)


@Phelplan: Changing Brimaz's manacost to {W}{W}{W} Might actually make him stronger. Think about this in a mono white devotion strategy for a second.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (2/20/2014 3:22:41 PM)


UGH! I love using this guy so much, but the only downside to this card is that in the hands of a control/removal deck he's a joke. Protect him and he become your opponent's worst nightmare.

Also he is a godsend for Battalion.
Posted By: Champion_of_Nylea (2/26/2014 9:33:13 PM)


I'm still not really sold on this card. On the other hand, I'm looking at it from a strictly Standard perspective. The cat soldier is very easy to block and is pretty much always going to get blocked unless the opponent simply has 0 creatures. On defense, if the blocked creature can't kill Brimaz, the token is always going to get killed, or else Brimaz will get killed, and at that point, you can forget the stupid token. With that said, barring some pretty fancy trickery and/or synergy, Brimaz is a 3/4 on offense and a 4/4 on defense. Big whup! I guess we'll just have to wait and see what kind of synergies people come up with. I'm just not seeing it with the current Standard.
Posted By: Opeth2010 (3/4/2014 10:40:36 PM)


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