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Community Rating: 3.973 / 5  (148 votes)
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Yknow what would be really good on him? If he and his tokens had banding.

When was the last time you heard that?
Posted By: Lazrbeams (3/8/2014 7:07:16 PM)


Have Honor of the Pure or Field Marshal on the field. Have both! The fun never stops. I thought of something funny....Preeminent Captain
Posted By: SinisterX18 (3/10/2014 10:08:37 AM)


Strange that no one is commenting on the fact that he's legendary...which means you can use him as a commander for EDH.

Yup, Brimaz in the Command Zone...just think about that for a couple few.
Posted By: zeniongames (3/16/2014 1:24:53 AM)


Oh, come on, guys. Hero of Bladehold wasn't that long ago, was it? Do we really need another one?
(at least this one is legendary)
Posted By: NoobOfLore (3/19/2014 3:05:43 AM)


Cathars' Crusade- why hasn't any one mentioned this? Or if u need a more standard veriable, how about Path of Bravery. This Sunbond, and this Ordeal of Heliod, lastly Eidolon of Countless Battles, seem like they are all great to combo with this guy.
Posted By: Matsumoto (3/21/2014 2:19:23 AM)


Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think this Mythic is sort of a step in the right direction (...?)
At least he isn't nearly impossible to kill like the geist. It also isn't a win-more game-thrower like the obliterator or baneslayer, you still have to build around Brimaz at least a little bit.
This type of mythic is better than those ones Wizards. I thank you for that.
Thank you also for making him legendary, as anything on this power level should be.
Maybe I would change his casting cost to WhiteWhiteWhite or give him one less toughness, but all-in-all it is a close call.
Not bad. I think I will rate this one 4.5/5 because you are on the right track.
Thanks again for not making this one hexproof or game-obliterating.

Edit: "Yo Brimaz. I'm really happy for you. I'mma let you finish, but Hero of Bladehold has one of the best creature generations of all time! Of all time!"
Posted By: Phelplan (3/24/2014 12:15:16 AM)


Did I hear this correctly? His price is going UP after Journey to Nyx?!
Posted By: AnnoyingFogGuy (4/29/2014 6:08:36 PM)


This guy's name is an anagram for "Kiss Kaz for More Bingo". That sounds like an EDH deck name to me!
Posted By: Continue (4/30/2014 9:48:25 PM)


4.5/5 very, very strong card in a vacuum. Finally cracked one today.
Posted By: Silence9 (5/4/2014 11:17:04 PM)


Make a modern kitty equipment and use general's kabuto,echo circlet,and cranial plate and many beastly kitties with a door of destiny or coat of arms for fun XD
Posted By: cyanidepopsicle (5/9/2014 1:04:23 AM)


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