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Community Rating: 3.821 / 5  (70 votes)
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This guy saved me at the prerelease. I could load him up incredibly quickly, and I was able to beat down every game I had him out. Works wonders in the strong U/W heroic archetype that's all over the place in limited, and he's what you want. Incredible. 5/5
Posted By: FlingIt (2/2/2014 9:22:14 PM)


A very decent card.
I just wish it would have been a Spirit instead, because this would have made the synergy with Tallowisp extraordinary and might have even allowed a new competitive Modern deck.
That should have worked flavorwise as well — although not remotely as smoothly and awesome,
since the Eidolons from Theros basically work the other way around (although there are also other Spirits...)

Oh well — on the bright side, we have a badass Hercules reference with stunning artwork from Willian Murai.
Which, in fact, literally features a bright side that makes the scene look even more epic.

Either way, a one-of might not be a bad idea in Aura decks with Kor Spiritdancer. He doesn't get boosted as much as her though, doesn't provide card advantage and seems far more risky to boost than one of your hexproo... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (2/5/2014 4:24:26 AM)


So blessed by the Gods that his sweat was sanctified.

This guy is awesome! I was happy I got him in my prerelease pack! He's very efficient on his own, but with multiple copies you can break enchantment creatures high bestow cost. Many of the enchantments in the set replace themselves by having you draw a card, making auras less risky. And the best part, look at how sexy this guy is! His muscles are so awesome and he's in that loincloth, finally some balance to the sexual representation of women and some man candy for gay guys.
Posted By: night8883 (2/10/2014 12:05:30 AM)


If you have multiples of this guy on the battlefield, do the auras keep being reduced in colorless mana cost?
Posted By: kstein14 (2/11/2014 7:38:29 PM)


T1: Plains
T2: Plains, This guy
T3: Plains, 3 Ordeal of Heliod. Swing with Hero, he becomes an 8/8, sac the ordeals, gain 30 life.
Turn three 8/8 and gain 30 life using only Theros-block cards... Disgustingly good.

Posted By: Grakling (2/12/2014 1:44:23 PM)


Yes, if you have 8 of these under your control, Eldrazi Conscríption is free ;)
Posted By: Khazpar (2/13/2014 1:28:54 AM)


At first I've thought that "This guy's role is to cheapen the auras, the heroic is just a bonus". But on hindsight, I'm amazed on how good the two abilities work together for him! As of now, we have yet to see super-powerful 4-mana enchantments (in standard) for this card to curve "perfectly" into. But the very fact that there's a threat of having multiple enchants on this guy the turn he comes into play is definitely scary (albeit risky).
Posted By: Dabok (2/13/2014 4:47:14 PM)


love this guy. hopefully there are some good red and/or white bestows in journey into nyx for my red/white heroic deck :)
Posted By: Cichlasoma (2/17/2014 2:34:25 PM)


I love any card that reduces the cost of casting something.
Goblin Electromancer was my favorite card last year.

...he's so sexy.
Posted By: NickDay (2/18/2014 12:40:07 AM)


It suddenly hit me how much potential this guy had when I realized all your auras cost less... Even the ones that target and weaken your opponent's creatures.
Posted By: Tribor (4/28/2014 11:58:32 AM)


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