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Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind says "Okay, I'm gonna draw one card and trigger a ping here..."
Posted By: Madarakita (2/8/2014 5:48:46 PM)


This actually looks like a maze elemental, which is what that cycle from Dragon's Maze (Maze Rusher etc) were supposed to be.
Posted By: BorosGreengrocer (2/20/2014 3:16:58 AM)


"Because I hate Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind for one-upping my maze."
Posted By: SnesController (2/20/2014 7:09:52 AM)


Happily sits alongside Thalia in the make-life-difficult-for-erryone white 2-drop club
Posted By: SquiddyFish (2/28/2014 9:57:21 AM)


I would prefer Thalia, myself. Has a definite spot in D&T, but in the environments it's most effective in, you also get the most ease of making it not a problem.

I'm not being a DIES TO REMOVAL 0/5 idiot here, I hope, but what I mean is that considering the environments such an effect is going to have most impact for, it's not a format-shaking silver bullet like some seem to think. Thalia at least taxes their efforts to get rid of her, and First Strike goes a long way. This is a very controlling, even prison-y card, and that kind of fragility is exactly what decks that control/prison archetypes hit can deal with most easily.

What I'd want it for? Stax. You're already throttling their ability to do anything at all, choking their ability to possibly draw a solution (given the abundance of 1 mana draw spells, which means any land of theirs that slips out of your control can be annoying) may be worth considering. Plus, the 3/1 body is very effective against opponents with nonexist... (see all)
Posted By: Nucleon (2/28/2014 11:28:35 AM)


I was so excited when I pulled this babe in my prerelease pack. I shall use her in conjunction with Pain Seer for fun and frolics.
Posted By: Kodanshi (3/20/2014 1:22:33 PM)


It made me think for a second, so I'll clarify a "ruling" here for you all: If you shoot this ghost gal with Nin, the Pain Artist, if you do it on the turn of the player who controls this thing (so that they've already drawn their card for the turn), the cards they'd draw are still prevented.

Really, state-based actions aren't THAT complex and this probably is pretty clear to just about anybody who cares about Nin, but it's still a clarification somebody might be able to use. I care because I play Nin EDH, and decided that this actually isn't a hoser at all, delightfully!
Posted By: CapnEvander (3/21/2014 6:28:27 PM)


Use with Anvil of Bogardan for soft lock fun. (Choose your cards wisely)
Posted By: Legendxp (4/28/2014 11:15:13 AM)


@Jedijoe; cannot stop Bob, but can buddy up with him fairly well.
Posted By: JunkHarvester (5/1/2014 9:56:55 AM)


I picked up a playset of these, because I feel like the price they are at now is a bargain compared to where they will be in a year or 2. From now on, anytime there is a 1+1color rare creature that does something, it's probably worth picking them up.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (5/14/2014 2:51:32 PM)


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