The Chimera, as explained in daily wizards, grows a head out of his buttock, which means it talks right out of his...
That, and Astral Slide.
Posted By:
(2/7/2014 10:14:44 AM)
I am fascinated by this thing. I pulled one in my box of Born last night and woke up this morning thinking about it. I am going to throw four of them into my Esper Control just to see what happens. That's the mark of a great card in my book - one you just can't predict the effects of until it hits the board. I'm just sitting here mulling over all the ramifications of this card in the current Standard.
I expect the deterrence value to be incredible. I thought Ratchet Bomb was some good deterrence but this thing blows it out of the water. Your opponent is never going to cast their wincon while Perplexing Chimera is on the board, at least not straight-out. They're going to wait until they can flush you out with a smaller spell or something like that, and making the opponent wait is exactly what Control does. That buys time for Control to draw into a Thoughtseize, counterspell, or their own wincon.
Barring board sweeps, this thing also protects itself just by... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/10/2014 7:52:04 AM)
Its name is a bit redundant; I mean really, look at his tail... err, head (does anyone else see "Cat-Dog" here?), aren't all Chimeras 'perplexing'? Soo good in an ETB deck though: Mistmeadow Witch, Galepowder Mage , Venser, the Sojourner, Equilibrium, Roon of the Hidden Realm... and of course mixed with Prophet of Kruphix!... steal a Spell EVERY turn?! Where do I sign?!
Posted By:
(2/10/2014 8:24:29 PM)
Bonus points if Perplexing Chimera steals a Mind Control targeting himself.
Seriously though, this guy makes for a very nice deterrent. I don't see him getting a ton of play in Standard though, but in EDH? Hoo-boy, a powerhouse.
Posted By:
(2/11/2014 6:10:03 AM)
This card works best as insurance. You're opponent doesn't want to cast his best spells because they know you will steal it. They end up doing little in comparison to what they could have done.
Throw this guy in Roon EDH and you're probably going to be considered a jerk for some time.
Posted By:
(2/15/2014 2:38:19 PM)
Kinda of acts as a preemptive counter spell as it'll prevent your opponent's bombs from landing until they are able to with it. You can gain some style points by stealing wraths just for shiggles.
Posted By:
(2/15/2014 9:56:23 PM)
The new Gilded Drake.
Posted By:
(2/17/2014 8:58:15 AM)
Vedalken Shackles can make for some very interesting plays with this.
Posted By:
(2/22/2014 7:11:37 AM)
Great in EDH, but with all the decks carrying sac outlets and wraths, it is certainly answerable. I just added it to my Ephara EDH centered on flicker. I expect it to carry its weight, but it is hardly the most broken flicker card. I think it will be fun to let him float around the table too. Decks with clone effects would make for a chaotic environment. I hope we continue to see casual focused cards like this instead of the headache inducers like Knowledge Pool, Eye of the Storm and Hive Mind. Those just grind a game to a halt. This adds some chaos without slowing everything down.
Posted By:
(2/24/2014 1:04:17 PM)
This is a cool card and a very unique effect. 5 mana seems a little much but doesn't make it unplayable. With Flash, this would easily be a 4.5 or more but as it is, it's just a little too costly to see play in most formats, however at 2-4 mana this would just be too good. This appeals strongly to my inner Johnny and my EDH sensibilities. Would be sweet in riku or some sort of kiki build with a token/populate engine. I must also admit that it is reasonable as a 3/3 and would probably be really awesome in limited formats. Just take your opponent's god or big stompy creature, especially with stuff like Prophet of Kruphix. Prophet pass, untap and flash this guy to stop whatever shenanigans your opponent has waiting. I'd love to see him flashed against a sphinx's rev for 7+ but more realistically he's going to be much better at keeping your opponent from tapping out for Time Stretch or pretty much any creature larger than himself.
Also: autocard... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/28/2014 3:41:10 PM)