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Community Rating: 3.821 / 5  (28 votes)
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Posted By: Flyheight (1/29/2014 9:26:43 AM)


Putting this on any creature with Inspired or Heroic enables infinite triggering of that Inspired or Heroic ability in combination with Elite Arcanist and Triton Tactics. You're basically exchanging the 1 damage from Zur-Taa Druid in the combo for whatever the Heroic or Inspired ability is.
Posted By: Technetium (2/3/2014 11:02:58 AM)


Kinda bummed it didn't say "Enchanted creature is a land creature and is every basic land type in addition to its other types"
Posted By: Vogie (2/3/2014 1:48:42 PM)


People might rate this higher if they thought about attaching Karametra’s Favor to Seeker of Skybreak, and tapping her to un-tap herself for infinite coloured mana from two cards, costing two drop for Seeker and -1,000 colour drop for the combo.

As I’m not greedy and I want to keep my friends, I’ll just put this on Karametra’s Acolyte in my Green White Rainbow deck and untap them for 2 any-coloured and roughly 12 green mana each turn.
Posted By: Potrezebie (4/12/2014 7:26:03 PM)


In sealed this card was perfectly playable. I was lacking in power, so it let me splash 2 blue and 2 green/black cards in what was otherwise a mono green deck. It also enabled my Centaur Battlemasters. On a few occasions I had to cast it on an opponent's dude to draw action. While those moments didn't tend to work out, their was never any downside to giving them mana. I'd guess in draft, though I'd rather not run it, I'd run it if I ended up Heroicish kind of Green/X. If I was forced to pick one before pick 8 I'd be very disappointed. I was a lot more excited about it that I should have been when it got spoiled.
Posted By: GreenSunWinith (4/24/2014 3:24:52 AM)


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