Occasionally Un-set cards inspire ones in real magic (no pun intended). This looks to be a "real-magic" version of Richard Garfield, Ph.D to me. Maybe that's unintended though.
Posted By:
(4/26/2014 8:59:26 AM)
The ability is quite flavorful as you'll always be shifting your hand, forcing your opponent to give up on predicting whats in your hand.
This is a card that could make Dimir decks strong without having to resort to mill+ Centipede.
Posted By:
(4/26/2014 3:37:19 PM)
Use Orb of Dreams with Amulet of Vigor and the new inspired creatures to cause them to trigger immediately, and anytime you flicker them.
Blue and Black have any good choices which do not require additional mana:
Arbiter of the Ideal
Daring Thief
Disciple of Deceit
King Macar, the Gold-Cursed
Servant of Tymaret
Siren of the Silent Song
Sphinx's Disciple
Then use Conjurer's Closet to get some bonus uses out of them.
Use Mimic Vat to trigger them on demand.
Posted By:
(4/28/2014 1:53:37 PM)
Keeps giving me Skatole when what I need is keys and bombs, what gives?
Posted By:
(4/28/2014 2:04:58 PM)
This card is incredible. If you need help untapping it, you can always play a Triton Tactics on it or something similar to that. Just the ability to go through our library though. Let me go ahead and discard this cancel spell for a nightveil specter or agent of the fates. So helpful. This card has won me games already.
Posted By:
(4/28/2014 2:21:45 PM)
Again, like Temple of Deceit, there are no seats! Only tables!
God dammit, Wizards, why do you trick us?!
Or should I say -glasses on-,
deceive us
Posted By:
(4/28/2014 7:41:33 PM)
Bro, do you even Transmute?
Posted By:
(4/28/2014 11:37:23 PM)
Maybe not today, maybe not this month, maybe not next year, but one day someone is going break this in legacy or vintage, I see a toolbox deck with loads of 2cc spells with a combo or two chucked in for good measure.
Posted By:
(5/5/2014 4:20:27 PM)
Holy F**kballs this chick is amazing in EDH.
Posted By:
(5/6/2014 5:56:57 PM)
Ok, first, uncommon. Craziness for one of the most powerful tutors in a while. It's not quite Pod, but damn. Also, 2 cmc with reasonable ease of activation near the turn she comes out (Springleaf and/or defense oriented health that's ~on curve). This, combined with Pod would probably be crazy. Tutor for the Pod, Pod to get her, chain yourself up to crazy win-con. Use her to get lands if you need them (you won't) and use both to toolbox in a response to whatever threats they bring. Load it down with undying or graveyard return (both in these colors) and you can cycle damn near anything in.
Posted By:
(5/10/2014 11:43:15 AM)