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This guy, Tormented Hero, Firedrinker Satyr, Rakdos Cackler, Rakdos Shred Freak, Spike Jester, Ash Zealot. Add in a few kill spells and burn spells and Madcap Skills and you have a lightning fast Rakdos aggro deck that tops the curve at 2. Including up to 16 one drops. Also 2 power attacking for free if you have a Ragemonger out.
Posted By:
(5/3/2014 1:17:38 PM)
Weird rules interaction make that untue, unfortunately. When you bestow a spell, it stops being a creature spell before costs are 'locked in' and in doing so it also forfeits its creature subtypes, in this case minotaur. About three steps before determining the spells cost it's decided what alternative costs are being paid.
The end result is that Ragemonger asks if it should reduce the cost after it stopped being a minotaur, and the answer always comes back 'no'.
To respond to your assertion that it won't lose it's subtype: It will. It isn't a part of bestow that removes that subtype; if something isn't a tribal or a creature spell it's 'hardcoded' so to speak, that it cannot have a creature subtype.
Posted By:
(5/9/2014 2:48:56 AM)