Posted By:
(4/25/2014 7:18:14 AM)
Ogre Battledriver.
Posted By:
(4/25/2014 9:26:43 AM)
8 hasty power for 7 is certainly great, but 4 2/2's is probably the worst way to get it. One or two might get through, but your opponent will probably have at least few blockers bigger than 2/2, so most of the tokens will prosbably just die on their first attack. Disappointing rare.
Posted By:
(4/25/2014 2:22:19 PM)
I would consider using Chandra, Pyromaster in a Green/Red monsters deck to try hitting this card with her ultimate. What started as 8 damage or more for 7 mana has become 24 damage or more as a Planeswalker ultimate.
If Purphoros happened to already be out by the time this happened, we will see what happens to Theros when its greatest creator and destroyer converts to the reveler's ideals...
Posted By:
(4/28/2014 9:24:00 AM)
Thatcher Revolt + steroids.
Posted By:
(5/2/2014 1:14:23 AM)
Look, I want to like this card, as I love paying lots of mana to do things.
But guys....this seriously needs Trample.
Compare it to Titanic Ultimatum, which has a third color, and costs the same otherwise, and was a Rare in a Block with Mythic Rares.
Haste is good. Haste is very good. It ALMOST makes the card as good as 1.5 Ball Lightnings. 1.5 Ball Lightnings can be played by turn 4 though, this has to wait quite a bit longer.
4 2/2s with Haste and Trample = roughly a Damage Spell for 8 that threatens kill next turn if the opponent has no blockers or anything. Can still be countered, you can still be Wrath'd, but it becomes a more than reasonable finishing spell in the Xenagod Flavor Deck.
Do other cards in the Xenagod Deck have easy ways to give the 2/2 guys Trample? If so, then card is fine as is.
Posted By:
(5/5/2014 6:59:30 AM)
In block, Oracle of Bones.
Posted By:
(5/6/2014 5:48:50 PM)
Turn 5, Purphoros, end of your opponent's turn 6, Dictate of the Twin Gods, and then on your turn 7, this. Trigger 16 burn from Purphoros, then swing for an additional 16.
Posted By:
(5/9/2014 12:54:39 PM)
Gruuel Ultimatum.
This card might be my control finisher in next standard.
Posted By:
(5/20/2014 12:24:53 PM)
First Xenagos
Then Xenagod
And now Xenagone
Posted By:
(5/30/2014 7:01:51 AM)