This card is highly parasitic - without proper support from Mistform creatures it will likely wipe out your army and hit nothing. You'd have to be hitting more than 2 creatures to prevent being 2-for-1ed.
Posted By:
(5/7/2013 6:30:32 AM)
Use with one of the changelings! ... To get an effect identical to damnation, at the cost of a creature. Yeah, without a mistform it's not so good.
Posted By:
(10/19/2013 12:06:04 PM)
Good ol' Proteus Machine has got your back! You can even play extras face-down if going the changeling approach; face-down morph spiders don't have a creature type.
Posted By:
(11/15/2013 9:03:18 PM)
" 'cough cough' "
"Oh god dammit, Earl. You KNOW this is a no-smoking area!"
Posted By:
(12/4/2013 10:00:53 PM)
After witnessing the frightening aftermath, Karina vowed she would never cook for anyone again.
Posted By:
(12/13/2013 8:16:44 AM)
Chamber of Manipulation might be a good way to steal a creature and set up a one sided board wipe.
Posted By:
(1/6/2014 10:21:12 PM)