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1) Love the flavor text
2) This is THE morph card! Look at what it's popping out of; it's the set symbol, which is described as what a morphed creature is supposed to look like! :O
Posted By:
(11/6/2010 6:17:03 PM)
Kind of boring, but not terrible. It would be interesting if you could flip him for . He would still be 3 mana for a 2/2 or a 3/1, and if you wanted you could flip him easily for an extra point of damage. As is, actually flipping him is a little steep. Either keep your 2/2 or just hardcast him.
Posted By:
(1/10/2013 7:16:11 PM)
2/5, only because it's versatile in the fact that you can make it a 2/2, you can play it for colorless, and it has the zombie type which makes several cards work with it.
Posted By:
(3/10/2010 12:34:17 PM)
Could have actully been pretty decent if it had come with trample.
Back in the early days of my zombie deck I played this guy. Obviously now he is not even slightly competitive, but I do still miss him. He was fun to play since he was such a risk.
Posted By:
(7/20/2010 1:10:45 AM)