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Play alongside bounce spells. When your opponent is in topdeck mode with an empty hand (not so hard with 4x Cabal Interrogator and maybe 4x Duress), that Boomerang is suddenly an instant speed Vindicate.
Posted By: Kiro (6/3/2011 3:16:19 AM)


When using Training Grounds, you can reveal 1-2 cards in their hand and discard one for just one black mana! Pay one more for 3. Great for the early part of the game and lets you know what your oppnent has up his sleeve.
Posted By: Hakumeii (11/15/2010 6:51:30 AM)


so with leyline of anticipation out, i can do this whenever?
Posted By: raptorman333 (3/15/2013 9:48:10 AM)


Scepter is much more likely to stick around. Every deck under the sun should have creature removal.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/16/2013 7:48:00 AM)


Did you know this combos with Training Grounds??! Like every singe other effect that costs more than one colorless mana?

Also did you know that Sprout Swarm combos with Doubling Season?

Lastly did you know that you can turn good cards into great cards and bad cards into ok cards with Training Grounds when they have abilities that cost more than 2 colorless mana?

I really really wish people wouldn't honestly say stuff like that, it makes me lost hope in the human race

This card is alright, it's pretty expensive, and when you have to mana to use on it, he (or she) may not have a hand anymore to use it on

Still its a 1/1 for 2, which doesn't make it horrible, its got some good places for sure

Oh yeah combos with Training Grounds
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (3/27/2011 5:29:56 PM)


Posted By: kajillion (4/30/2011 2:17:41 AM)


The Scepter is an artifact, so doesn't have to deal with summoning sickness. Plus, colored artifacts look awesome.
Posted By: BastianQoU (9/18/2011 10:52:40 AM)


There are 2 notable differences between Cabal Interrogator and Scepter of Fugue:

01. As mentioned below, if you have the mana, you can view more than 1 card.
02. With Interrogator YOU get to decide what they discard, not so with Scepter.
Posted By: theAzaZeL (6/19/2012 11:51:57 PM)


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