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Community Rating: 2.190 / 5  (42 votes)
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Pariah & Urza's Armor or Darksteel Plate. It can't die, you can't die...just redirect the damage to yourself (if you have U. Armor) or to the Incarnation (if it has D. Plate).
Posted By: MattLynn (1/29/2013 1:27:46 AM)


So let me get this straight, the owner of this card is the only one who can redirect Damage it takes... Regardless of who controls it... That seems dumb unless you're trying to help out an ally in multiplayer/two headed giant. The taking half the damage when destroyed part wouldn't be too bad if it said "controller" vice owner... Not a great card overall, but in a time where Serra Angel was considered a big hitter, it could have been playable.
Posted By: kashonismw (3/12/2013 7:59:26 PM)


Owner, eh? So much for Juxtapose/Gauntlets of Chaos shenanigans.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/21/2013 8:46:46 PM)


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