Quite possibly my favourite Sliver. 
for a 3/3 lifelinker isn't bad (Vampire Nighthawk makes them all look bad, I know) and it's very good for a Sliver. Once you get it in play, an army of lifelinkers is a force to be reckoned with; if the opponent does manage to kill Essence Sliver, you will still be most likely looking at double-digit life gains easily if this wasn't killed early, and it IS a 3/3 body, which is about as big as Slivers get (Battering Sliver and the various WUBRG leaders are exceptions, obviously). Plus, the art is excellent. Bottom line: Economical price, extremely powerful ability, tough body, great art. 5/5 to the best of the Slivers. As soon as I get $5, I'll get one.
Posted By:
(2/24/2010 4:24:09 PM)
This is a totally awesome sliver. It works as the perfect antidote for the Plague Sliver, not to mention that it can be used with a Magma Sliver to create double- or triple-digit life gain, especially with a Sliver Queen out.
@ Kiki Actually, I hear Michigan is really nice this time of year.
Posted By:
(8/29/2010 6:09:14 PM)
Have to point this out: the ability this Sliver grants isn't lifelink. The difference? This ability stacks.
Posted By:
(3/12/2010 5:34:07 AM)
I hate you slivers. Essence Sliver and his friends can all go to Michigan.
Posted By:
(8/9/2010 1:46:15 AM)
one of the best slivers. While it may not directly help you win the game, it is a big (for slivers) body for the other abilities that also allows your life to shoot up dramatically, enabling you to ignore blocking and focus on attacking.
Posted By:
(11/17/2011 8:58:13 AM)
What the heck is wrong with Michigan, KikiJikiTiki??? You a mitten-hater?!?
But yeah, this card's pretty narsty. Allows a Sliver deck time to rebuild after a Wrath effect.
Posted By:
(6/3/2012 2:37:39 PM)
Important to note that this DOES stack with lifelink
Posted By:
(4/17/2014 9:05:00 PM)