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Community Rating: 3.162 / 5  (34 votes)
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It's a synergy, but not a great one since unfortunately this card in general is overcosted.
4 mana for a 1/1 that might get one or two counters isn't that tempting.
Posted By: Mode (11/7/2009 7:59:21 AM)


Once upon a time I thought this was on a short list of 'most awful cards ever'. I figured out I was wrong when I came to know about some cards from Magic's dark past.

This still sucks.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (6/10/2011 11:27:12 PM)


the errata for humans makes this boss in a blue white deck with dedicated card draw. otherworld atlas and now you have 7 more cards in hand, hopefully all being humans. play with some aether adepts and you can push creatures out of the way to attack with this guy.
Posted By: raptorman333 (6/14/2013 9:59:57 AM)


I'll never forget how, in a draft at the Legions prerelease, my apparently mana-screwed opponent finally hit his 4th Plains . . . and dropped back-to-back 7/7 rangestrikers to turn the game around.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (9/23/2013 2:09:15 PM)


Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what use is a blocker if you are unable to block?
Posted By: LordRandomness (3/6/2014 2:01:09 PM)


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