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like a tinker to dc, but natural order to Progenitus... a bit more costly but even more dangerous.
Posted By: Biems (3/24/2010 3:18:43 PM)


@ Elysiume,
Portal came out in June of 1997. This card was first printed in Visions which came out in January of 1997. The Visions version makes you sacrifice a creature as part of the cost so I guess they chose to go with the original. Also, if you sacrificed a creature after searching for it, this card would be strictly better than it is right now and it doesn't need to be. You could basically use it like Flash (banned in legacy for good reason) and then auto-win with any of the Protean Hulk combos (search for Heart Sliver and 3x Virulent Sliver). Granted Natural Order has converted mana cost of 4 rather than Flash's cmc of two, but you wouldn't even need the Hulk in your hand and would probably wouldn't need more than one in your deck.
Posted By: heenaheena (3/28/2011 12:55:53 PM)


A truly amazing card when you consider that green has the best token producers and most enormous creatures.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/20/2009 2:51:43 PM)


um... the change doesn't matter. your playing green, you obviously have creatures. sac a 1 manna vanilla for a progenitus. i mean really, this is ridiculous. nearly broken, well your nearly right, this is ridiculously broken
Posted By: Gezus82 (12/24/2009 6:15:11 PM)


"nearly" broken? You can turn a Llanowar Elves into a Progenitus. This card is INSANELY broken!
Posted By: Revelation666 (7/12/2010 1:52:11 AM)


sacrifice a bird of paradise for novablast wurm or prognitus VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY BROKEN!!!!!!!
Posted By: novasun (9/6/2010 4:18:51 PM)


Wait. What? Am I reading this card correctly? Sac a 1 drop for any green creature? Playtesting, WotC, perhaps you should look into it.
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (7/31/2010 1:17:48 PM)


...remind me why this is 4-of legal in Legacy again?
Posted By: chinkeeyong (2/5/2011 7:41:43 AM)


A card that just gets more and more broken with time. I like to fetch Empyrial Archangel or Woodfall Primus
Posted By: Coincidence (2/3/2010 12:49:21 PM)


Broken is such a small word...
Why on earth is this called Natural order? It should be called "extreme polymorph" or something like that.
Posted By: Sironos (8/30/2010 8:23:59 AM)


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