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Community Rating: 4.183 / 5  (115 votes)
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Birthing Pod. . . Similar to bear-blasting!
Posted By: DacenOctavio (8/16/2011 9:33:50 PM)


screw you tinker
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/19/2011 11:23:37 PM)


"Yes sir ?"
Posted By: Pipikako (9/14/2011 5:13:43 AM)


Painter's Servant?Type your comment here.
Posted By: FoxxyEDarko (2/17/2012 7:18:13 AM)


This card should never have been made in my opinion. Or progenitus. Or both. But yeah, this guy is pretty broken and I see so many folks use that combo for cheesy win after cheesy win. Ah well, such is life.
Posted By: Quentil (5/7/2012 6:47:32 PM)


I got started with Magic because I found my dad's old case of Portal cards. At the time I thought they were all awesome. Today though, I'm lamenting my dad's luck with boosters. I can't count all the Bog Imps, Scorching Spears, and other mediocre-at-best cards, but they put gold like this into the set? I think the best thing he had was Wrath of God.
Posted By: CrazyLou (7/8/2012 11:08:59 PM)


Why has nobody mentioned the card that first truly made this card broken: Verdant Force. Easy turn three 7/7 creature that drops a 1/1 during EACH player's upkeep!
Posted By: ConManXVII (8/14/2012 6:26:22 PM)


Everyone says Progenitus, but I say Worldspine Wurm. My favorite thing to do is to play B/G EDH with Jarad, out and Natural order a token into Worldspine Wurm while having Mikaeus, The Unhallowed out, and Sacrifice him with Jarad, everyone but me loses 16 life, and I get a 17/17 and 3 6/6's. Then if I have any mana left...which I usually do since I am running green land ramp, I do it one more time and maybe if someone is still surviving by a little bit, kill some tokens....fast, easy, clean kill
Posted By: hedronMatrix (10/21/2012 10:16:09 PM)


Green Tinker. I never understood why this card is not very famous wheras that is banned in legacy and all. For a cmc of just 1 more, you can have a much more effective tutoring effect depending on the deck you are playing it in, and the stuff you can search out are basically just as good.

I also don't understand why this card has such a big power level errata while stuff like Time Vault are left alone. If you play this card as printed, you can use it to essentially flash a card from deck and sacrifice it right away. Also it would be able to play Iname as One and search for another (because it says play it "as if you just played it from your hand.")
Posted By: Quadrisphere (1/8/2013 3:44:10 PM)


Turn 1: Forest, Green Sun's Zenith into Dryad Arbor.
Turn 2: Land; if you missed the GSZ, you can play a mana dork or something.
Turn 3: Land, Natural Order the Dryad Arbor (or mana dork) into Progenitus or Worldspine Wurm

If your opponent isn't dead by turn 5, something's wrong.
Posted By: Continue (3/5/2013 8:42:11 AM)


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