No, it can't target creatures with shroud because they can't be targeted and are therefore not legal targets.
Posted By:
(3/1/2010 1:09:52 PM)
This seems to be quite nice, now that i see it returns to play and not to your hand, with multiples making it even better. Also, is it just me or is the character almost naked? The metal bits kinda look like armor, but on mirrodin everyone has metal parts, and i don't see any other types of metal...
Posted By:
(7/3/2012 11:06:57 PM)
Army of Tokens? What Army of Tokens?
Posted By:
(11/29/2013 11:02:46 PM)
Solid card. Kinda like reverse Rancor.
Posted By:
(2/21/2014 5:04:47 AM)
Ajani's Chosen: it says cats, but they feel like zombies.
Add a sacrifice outlet and it's another infinite token generator.
Posted By:
(4/16/2014 7:59:55 PM)
Doomwake Giant
Posted By:
(5/8/2014 6:38:32 PM)